QuickTime video codecs are generally well supported by LAV. Alpha is always supported, when present, except with the ProRes4444 which is decoded by masking the alpha channel as 0xff. I...
Yes I have a sample .mov prores444 + alpha. It's 155MB. I can send it by wetransfer (I need an email) or.. feel free to suggest a better way.
done, you'll receive a wetransfer file soon.
I am quite sure of that. It's not a complex issue, as LAV is only ignoring the alpha, but it's decoding the MOV file without any issue.
Performance is #1 target, at the very same level of stability and thread safety. Also our target is to avoid the creation of short-lived temp objects in order to minimize...
In our tests, ThreadLocal's get() reached silly speeds of, say, 35ms per 10 million iterations, 5 threads (compared to 25ms for direct static access). No concerns. Sooo, by this time...
So basically I could provide a current GL context (i.e. FBO) and let SKIJA do the rendering ?
Bump Bump Bump.. knock Knock .. 2023 has come
> Looks like its only in GLES 3.1. Not 3.0. having that in mind, it is easy to add a condition in the code : want MSAA but using GLES3.0...
@mgsx-dev it seems it's all already there. Did you schedule the merging ?