Michelle Haider
Michelle Haider
Well, yes, but I don't know about it being specifically because of the Katbox. I just seem to notice all the issues most people don't use! :D However, yes, it...
``` php public static function webcomic_dropdown_collections( $args = array() ) { global $post; $temp_post = $post; $r = wp_parse_args( $args, array( 'select_name' => 'webcomic_collections', 'id' => '', 'class' => '',...
We can try that debug code this Wednesday if you like, or if you want to arrange a time sooner, let me know.
Yes, I'm double checking the child.
Alright, php replacements aren't the issue, they inject minor things in places that don't effect the comic at all. Picking through CSS now.
Oh, I forgot a critical mention, it only happens in IE, and Firefox, Safari and Chrome work fine.