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Android Developer Roadmap - A complete roadmap to learn Android App Development
Android Developer Roadmap
This fork: Less bullshit, more advanced and useful topics
Roadmap to learn Android App Development
- Programming
- Java
- Syntax
- Stdlib basics: collections, utilities
- OOP concept, principles and patterns
- Streams, FP concept
- Multithreading
- Thread and Runnable
- Executor(s), ExecutorService, ThreadPoolExecutor
- Future, CompletableFuture
- Kotlin
- Syntax, Generics, idioms
- (Mutable)Collections, Sequences, inline functions, inline classes
- Coroutines, Structured Concurrency
- Java
- Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA
- Android Studio IDE Overview
- Project Structure
- Java/Kotlin
- .gradle files
- Android Component
- Activity
- Activity Lifecycle
- Tasks & Back Stack
- nonConfigurationInstance, savedInstanceState
- Service
- IntentService
- JobIntentService
- Broadcast Receiver
- Content Provider
- Activity
- Intents
- Types of Intent
- Implicit
- Explicit
- Intent Filter
- Types of Intent
- Static User Interface
- View
- TextView, Button, EditText, ImageView, ImageButton, etc
- ViewGroup
- FrameLayout, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, etc
- View
- Dynamic User Interface
- ListView, RecyclerView
- ViewPager
- Spinner
- User Interaction
- ProgressBar
- Dialogs
- Toast & Snackbar
- UI Resources
- Colour formats
- Drawables (color, shape, selector, vector, ripple, bitmap, 9-patch)
- String, Text (Spannable, CharSequence)
- Custom Views and Drawables
- Canvas
- Paint, TextPaint
- Path
- PorterDuff, Xfermode, ColorFilter
- Fragments
- Fragment Lifecycle
- Fragment Manager
- Child fragments
- Storage
- Raw files
- Shared Preferences
- SQLite database
- Build
- Gradle
- Debug / Release Configuration
- Threading
- Handler and Looper, IdleHandler
- HandlerThread
- AsyncTask
- IntentService
- Debugging and profiling
- Debugger
- Memory: heap dumps, memory leaks, LeakCanary
- Sampling and Tracing, CPU profiler, Systrace, Nanoscope
- Logging
- Exceptions
- Error Handling
- 3rd Party Libraries
- Image Loading
- Glide
- Picasso
- Networking
- OkHttp
- Retrofit
- Image Loading
- Data Format
- streaming: android.util.JsonReader/Writer
- AST: org.json
- mapping/binding: GSON, Moshi, Jackson or whatever
- Unpopular but interesting: CBOR, Protobuf, FlatBuffers, Cap'n'Proto, and more
- Android Jetpack
- Basic Components
- AppCompat Activities and Fragments
- Android KTX
- Multidex
- Behaviour Components
- Download Manager
- Media Playback
- Notification
- Permissions
- Preference
- Sharing
- Slice
- UI Component
- Animation & Transition
- Emoji
- Palette
- Basic Components
- Architecture
- MVWhatever
- Unit Testing
- Unit Testing
- Robolectric
- Instrumentation Testing
- Firebase
- Crashlytics
- Analytics
- Remote Config
- App Indexing
- Dynamic Link
- Security
- Keystore
- SQLCipher
- Shrinking and obfuscation
- AAPT shrinkResources
- minifyEnabled, Proguard, R8
- App Release
- .keystore file
- App Bundle, Dynamic Feature
- Playstore
- Keep Learning and Improving