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Sorting in Vulkan any extension not perfect

Open stefano2734 opened this issue 11 months ago • 5 comments

Sorting in Vulkan any extension not perfect

Khronos first with khr ist ok. EXT is here next.

But then there is some chaos.

sorting in OpenGL extensions is alphabetically.

stefano2734 avatar Sep 06 '23 13:09 stefano2734

Can you give some examples?

From what I see it follows the order in features.txt

MightyCreak avatar Sep 09 '23 19:09 MightyCreak

in Extensions that are not part of any Vulkan Version. An example: VK_KHR_Map_Memory2 is last in table.

VK_Google is before VK_AMD

mostly VK_KHR are at the begin of the table.

so it is partly sorted, and features are added at the end without new sorting.

stefano2734 avatar Sep 09 '23 21:09 stefano2734

Yes, it's kinda intentional actually.

As you can see here, the extensions aren't sorted in the original features.txt file and Mesamatrix simply follows the same order.

I could sort the extensions alphabetically, but I don't know how much this order is important in the original file...

MightyCreak avatar Sep 11 '23 22:09 MightyCreak

Khronos with KHR is first and EXT is second priority for the Mesa Guys in development. And then alphabetical of the others in sorting is logic. They will do little action and sort, if you give them a hint or issue.

stefano2734 avatar Sep 12 '23 07:09 stefano2734

I'd rather the source being changed upstream instead of arbitrarily change the order in Mesamatrix. I'm not expert enough in 3d drivers programming to know which extensions should be higher up in the list, also, it could change without me knowing, and also it's no regular sorting (KHR, then EXT, then the rest).

I think it would be better to open an issue in mesa and ask the devs if they would be willing to re-order the extensions in features.txt (or if they have a preferred sorting order that they'd like to see in Mesamatrix)

MightyCreak avatar Oct 20 '23 16:10 MightyCreak