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Volume control reacts with delay
Somehow the volume control on my Phoniebox (running 2.0 RC6) always reacts with a couple of seconds of delay. I build a circuit board as discriped in the wiki. All the other buttons work flawlessly. Any idea how I could fix that?
Thanks, Julius
Do you use Buttons or a rotary encoder to control the volume? I have the same behaviour (delay) with a rotary encoder but don't have a solution yet.
I have to buttons to controll the volume.
Is this still an issue?
Is this still an issue?
Yes! It’s not on my list of priorities for the moment though. It’s not ideal but I can live with it.
What version are you currently using?
Could you also post the result of git status
I'm using 2.0 RC8
Could you also post the result of
git status
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/develop'.
Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add
..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: htdocs/api/playlist/playsinglefile.php modified: htdocs/api/playlist/shuffle.php modified: htdocs/api/playlist/single.php modified: htdocs/inc.controlPlayer.php modified: htdocs/inc.loadControls.php modified: htdocs/inc.loadCover.php modified: htdocs/inc.setDebugLogConf.php modified: htdocs/inc.setVolume.php modified: htdocs/search.php modified: htdocs/utils/Files.php modified: htdocs/utils/Strings.php
Untracked files: (use "git add
..." to include in what will be committed) settings/Change_Volume_Idle settings/Lang settings/Min_Volume_Limit settings/debugLogging.conf settings/global.conf
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
I'm having the same issue.
My current installation:
$ git show
commit 786d3749991b30cd3b58737da19c6b16e5b79aeb (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Merge: 2b66d89 e5e77d2
Author: Micz Flor <[email protected]>
Date: Fri May 15 09:49:15 2020 +0200
Merge pull request #948 from MiczFlor/s-martin-patch-1
Use correct branch for install test - was missed in #937
First investigation:
and playout_controls.sh
acting fast. There must be some delay after calling:
echo -e setvol +$VOLPERCENT\\nclose | nc -w 1 localhost 6600
Found this thread: https://forum-raspberrypi.de/forum/thread/45100-phoniebox-verzoegerung-beim-einstellen-der-lautstaerke-ueber-drehregler/
After doing following steps recommended in this post no delay detected.
sudo apt-get install mopidy-alsamixer
modify /etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
mixer = alsamixer
output = alsasink
mixer_volume = 30
card = 0
control = PCM
I will have a look if we can use this in our install script
Hi @Groovylein
that would be awesome, but possibly it should not only go into the install script?
is an extra only installed if Spotify is used. And, I assume, if Google Music is used, too - which we don't have in the install script but on the wiki here:
And in the requirements-gmusic.txt
There also is a requirements-spotify.txt
file here:
@Groovylein and @JuliH29: do you experience this issue with Spotify edition (i.e. mopidy) or classic edition?
If it's Spotify edition we should add the mentioned changes https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/issues/679#issuecomment-632700468 in the section where Spotify is installed.
I think we don't need to update the requirements files, because it's an apt package.
@s-martin I'm having the Spotify version. Did not try it with the basic version since the phoniebox is in use.
I have the classic edition and never experienced this issue.
I think for the moment we can assume it only applies to Spotify edition.
As mentioned in the thread (German) https://forum-raspberrypi.de/forum/thread/45100-phoniebox-verzoegerung-beim-einstellen-der-lautstaerke-ueber-drehregler/ This seems to be a problem with Spotify.
I do experience the issue and am using the Spotify edition. I will try to solution described by @Groovylein within the next days and report back here.
My experience:
- The volume is lower than the other mixer.
- I need to change the startup volume
- I need to change the increase volume percentage
I can confirm that it is working much better (2.0 rc6; Spotify Edition).
The only change I had to make was to set
control = Master
in mopidy.conf since I use a hifiberry miniamp.
After doing following steps recommended in this post no delay detected.
sudo apt-get install mopidy-alsamixer
to:[audio] mixer = alsamixer output = alsasink mixer_volume = 30 [alsamixer] card = 0 control = PCM
Great to hear this fixes the issue.
If somebody adds a PR we add this ASAP.
I just saw that version 2.1 RC1 is on the develop channel. Are there any release notes available? Is the thing with the delayed volume control part of it? I definitely would have created a pull request. Unfortunately I don't have the necessary expertise. Thank you for all your great work here!
I just saw that version 2.1 RC1 is on the develop channel. Are there any release notes available? Is the thing with the delayed volume control part of it?
Here you can find all the issues and PRs, which are supposed to be part of 2.1 - please check still open and already closed: https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/milestone/3
Here you can find all the issues and PRs, which are supposed to be part of 2.1 - please check still open and already closed: https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/milestone/3 Great, thanks! I did not discover that yet!
Many issues should be allocated to a milestone, so you can click on that.
I am using the classic version but I still get 1-6 seconds delay between turning the rotary encoder and MPD reacting.
For me the length of the delay depends on how quickly I turn the knob. If I go 1 step, it takes about 1 second for MPD to ackknowledge:
Dec 21 20:51:38 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:51:39 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:51:39 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
1 second is already annoying enough, but it gets even worse when I turn the knob quickly, the delay until MPD reacts to the first increment is much longer (in the example below about 6 seconds):
Dec 21 20:52:44 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:44 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:44 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:44 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:44 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
Dec 21 20:52:52 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK
Since I am using the classic version I think it the previous solutions (installing mopidy-alsamixer) doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Any other suggestions?
@veloxidSchweiz, any ideas?
I am using a Raspi Zero W with classic version and WM8960. Same problem here. So the previous solution wasn't promising I gave it a try, but no improvement. Are there other things to try?
Had the same problem on a Pi Zero, found a alternative solution running an extra service & a python script:
systemd service - test_rotary_class.service:
Description=Test Rotary Class
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/scripts/test_rotary_class.py
and class definition - rotary_class.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Raspberry Pi Rotary Encoder Class
# $Id: rotary_class.py,v 1.2 2014/01/14 07:30:07 bob Exp $
# Author : Bob Rathbone
# Site : http://www.bobrathbone.com
# This class uses standard rotary encoder with push switch
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
class RotaryEncoder:
rotary_a = 0
rotary_b = 0
rotary_c = 0
last_state = 0
direction = 0
# Initialise rotary encoder object
def __init__(self,pinA,pinB,pinC,pinD,button,callback):
self.pinA = pinA
self.pinB = pinB
self.pinC = pinC
self.pinD = pinD
self.button = button
self.callback = callback
# The following lines enable the internal pull-up resistors
GPIO.setup(self.pinA, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(self.pinB, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(self.pinC, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(self.pinD, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(self.button, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
# Add event detection to the GPIO inputs
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pinA, GPIO.FALLING,callback=self.switch_event)
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pinB, GPIO.FALLING,callback=self.switch_event)
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pinC, GPIO.BOTH,callback=self.pinc_event, bouncetime=400)
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pinD, GPIO.BOTH,callback=self.pind_event, bouncetime=400)
GPIO.add_event_detect(self.button, GPIO.BOTH,callback=self.button_event, bouncetime=400)
# Call back routine called by switch events
def switch_event(self,switch):
if GPIO.input(self.pinA):
self.rotary_a = 1
self.rotary_a = 0
if GPIO.input(self.pinB):
self.rotary_b = 1
self.rotary_b = 0
self.rotary_c = self.rotary_a ^ self.rotary_b
new_state = self.rotary_a * 4 + self.rotary_b * 2 + self.rotary_c * 1
delta = (new_state - self.last_state) % 4
self.last_state = new_state
event = 0
if delta == 1:
if self.direction == self.CLOCKWISE:
# print "Clockwise"
event = self.direction
self.direction = self.CLOCKWISE
elif delta == 3:
if self.direction == self.ANTICLOCKWISE:
# print "Anticlockwise"
event = self.direction
self.direction = self.ANTICLOCKWISE
if event > 0:
# Push button event
def pinc_event(self,pinC):
if GPIO.input(pinC):
event = self.PINC_UP
event = self.PINC_DOWN
# Push button event
def pind_event(self,pinD):
if GPIO.input(pinD):
event = self.PIND_UP
event = self.PIND_DOWN
# Push button event
def button_event(self,button):
if GPIO.input(button):
event = self.BUTTONUP
event = self.BUTTONDOWN
# Get a switch state
def getSwitchState(self, switch):
return GPIO.input(switch)
# End of RotaryEncoder class
...and the responding python script - test_rotary_class.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Raspberry Pi Rotary Test Encoder Class
# Author : Bob Rathbone
# Site : http://www.bobrathbone.com
# This class uses a standard rotary encoder with push switch
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from rotary_class import RotaryEncoder
# Define GPIO inputs
PIN_A = 12 # Pin 32
PIN_B = 16 # Pin 36
PIN_C = 23 # Pin 16
PIN_D = 24 # Pin 18
BUTTON = 20 # Pin 38
# This is the event callback routine to handle events
def switch_event(event):
if event == RotaryEncoder.CLOCKWISE:
print ("Clockwise")
# subprocess.call("/usr/bin/mpc volume +10")
subprocess.call("mpc volume +1", shell=True)
elif event == RotaryEncoder.ANTICLOCKWISE:
print ("Anticlockwise")
subprocess.call("mpc volume -1", shell=True)
elif event == RotaryEncoder.BUTTONDOWN:
print ("Button down")
# toggle with rotary encoder button
subprocess.call("mpc toggle", shell=True)
elif event == RotaryEncoder.PINC_DOWN:
print ("Pin C down")
# next file with extra button
subprocess.call("mpc next", shell=True)
elif event == RotaryEncoder.PIND_DOWN:
print ("Pin D down")
# previous file with extra button
subprocess.call("mpc prev", shell=True)
elif event == RotaryEncoder.BUTTONUP:
print ("Button up")
# Define the switch
rswitch = RotaryEncoder(PIN_A,PIN_B,PIN_C,PIN_D,BUTTON,switch_event)
while True:
I`m using this with a rotary encoder for volume (includes a button for play/stop), and two buttons for previous & next audio file.
Enable the systemd service, scripts to the right folders...
kr jo
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. And sorry for the late reply, my github messages got sorted into a folder and i didn't check it. For all RPi Zero users: It actually seems to be a speed problem. The implementation of gpiozero was giving similar issues. This is quite 'interesting' though. I hope i find some time to to dig into it in one of the next days.
@StefanD986 : This is interesting,
Dec 21 20:52:45 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: INFO:GPIODevices.rotary_encoder:RotaryVolumeControl: Calling functionIncr 1
Dec 21 20:52:51 raspberrypi PhonieboxGPIOControl[5679]: OK MPD 0.21.4
You get the information that the rotary knob was turned and the functionIncr was called, but the 'feedback' of mpd taks multiple seconds. One second delay for changing the volume by one is already to much. This is a little unclear for me what the cause. This could be investigated adding a logger output in https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/blob/develop/components/gpio_control/function_calls.py#L21
I do see one issue with the rotary implementation: It should not try to increase everytime by one, but should cal the functionIncr X where X is bigger than 1 as soon as you turn faster. This is something we should investigate... maybe changing the timeBase could help here...
This is how I solved it for my pi zero with hifiberry miniamp:
sudo apt-get install mopidy-alsamixer
pcm.!hifiberry {
type hw card 0
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 0
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "softvol" #make use of softvol
pcm.softvol {
type softvol
slave {
pcm "hifiberry" #redirect the output to hifiberry (instead of "hw:0,0")
control {
name "PCM" #override the PCM slider to set the softvol volume level globally
card 0
mixer = alsamixer
output = alsasink
mixer_volume = 10
card = 0
control = PCM
For me the volume set in % appears to be lower after these changes, so you will probably need to adapt the volume steps and the defaults.