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Windows 10 and Office 365 deployment lab kit missing HYD-APP1
The most recent package of Windows 10 and Office 365 deployment lab kit is missing HYD-APP1 vm. Is this on purpose? Thanks
Microsoft365DeviceLabKit.zpaq: 1 versions, 62 files, 680213 fragments, 27555.401172 MB
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 34438676692 D HYD-CM1/
- 2022-02-20 17:34:15 131250 D HYD-CM1/Snapshots/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 90256 A HYD-CM1/Snapshots/C2D26AED-A71C-480A-9C85-5647DFE50B0D.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:34:15 40994 A HYD-CM1/Snapshots/C2D26AED-A71C-480A-9C85-5647DFE50B0D.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 34438381568 D HYD-CM1/Virtual Hard Disks/
- 2022-02-20 17:34:15 34434187264 A HYD-CM1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-CM1.VHDX
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 4194304 A HYD-CM1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-CM1_639184CE-F52D-486B-B184-F8C413CE58DB.avhdx
- 2022-02-20 17:34:15 163874 D HYD-CM1/Virtual Machines/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 122880 A HYD-CM1/Virtual Machines/ED950247-AC3F-4EE8-BAF9-3F8A2911C8A3.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:34:15 40994 A HYD-CM1/Virtual Machines/ED950247-AC3F-4EE8-BAF9-3F8A2911C8A3.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 5036605652 D HYD-DC1/
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 131250 D HYD-DC1/Snapshots/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:37 90256 A HYD-DC1/Snapshots/BAA491D6-FD39-4AB9-9E16-CD22A33A5AFB.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 40994 A HYD-DC1/Snapshots/BAA491D6-FD39-4AB9-9E16-CD22A33A5AFB.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 5036310528 D HYD-DC1/Virtual Hard Disks/
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 5032116224 A HYD-DC1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-DC1.VHDX
- 2022-02-19 17:03:37 4194304 A HYD-DC1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-DC1_B9D54EBE-CE1E-4C5D-AEC7-BB3E25460C4C.avhdx
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 163874 D HYD-DC1/Virtual Machines/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:37 122880 A HYD-DC1/Virtual Machines/62B94A49-CBB9-42A6-8188-8F2B19B5E00E.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:33:16 40994 A HYD-DC1/Virtual Machines/62B94A49-CBB9-42A6-8188-8F2B19B5E00E.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 7425265876 D HYD-GW1/
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 131250 D HYD-GW1/Snapshots/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 90256 A HYD-GW1/Snapshots/CD795363-FB9E-4E00-B192-AC4A6BB8F7CB.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 40994 A HYD-GW1/Snapshots/CD795363-FB9E-4E00-B192-AC4A6BB8F7CB.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 7424966656 D HYD-GW1/Virtual Hard Disks/
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 7420772352 A HYD-GW1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-GW1.VHDX
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 4194304 A HYD-GW1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-GW1_22D41F7D-2511-4986-A2C4-09010D4B2416.avhdx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 167970 D HYD-GW1/Virtual Machines/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 126976 A HYD-GW1/Virtual Machines/11705068-03FF-45A0-857F-D2BA30700753.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 40994 A HYD-GW1/Virtual Machines/11705068-03FF-45A0-857F-D2BA30700753.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:31:26 2056560852 D HYD-INET1/
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 131250 D HYD-INET1/Snapshots/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:40 90256 A HYD-INET1/Snapshots/4757E0D1-121D-4C29-A578-96AD30E444C9.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 40994 A HYD-INET1/Snapshots/4757E0D1-121D-4C29-A578-96AD30E444C9.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:31:26 2056257536 D HYD-INET1/Virtual Hard Disks/
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 2052063232 A HYD-INET1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-INET1.VHDX
- 2022-02-19 17:03:40 4194304 A HYD-INET1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-INET1_BA0E185B-89F4-4F3C-B5CF-12049C2AD413.avhdx
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 172066 D HYD-INET1/Virtual Machines/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:40 126976 A HYD-INET1/Virtual Machines/021D9F0B-1702-4D91-83D1-D534EC0684E7.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:31:36 45090 A HYD-INET1/Virtual Machines/021D9F0B-1702-4D91-83D1-D534EC0684E7.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 18999443668 D HYD-MDT1/
- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 131250 D HYD-MDT1/Snapshots/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:39 90256 A HYD-MDT1/Snapshots/04A81A0D-69A3-4994-BF7C-40D7194FF550.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 40994 A HYD-MDT1/Snapshots/04A81A0D-69A3-4994-BF7C-40D7194FF550.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:00 18999148544 D HYD-MDT1/Virtual Hard Disks/
- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 18994954240 A HYD-MDT1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-MDT1.VHDX
- 2022-02-19 17:03:39 4194304 A HYD-MDT1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-MDT1_753A0A46-5106-44E4-8551-1D4CCE7BCA3F.avhdx- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 163874 D HYD-MDT1/Virtual Machines/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:38 122880 A HYD-MDT1/Virtual Machines/4653F05C-CBD6-428D-B302-5C12FFF689CA.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 40994 A HYD-MDT1/Virtual Machines/4653F05C-CBD6-428D-B302-5C12FFF689CA.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 3063193812 D HYD-VPN1/
- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 131250 D HYD-VPN1/Snapshots/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:39 90256 A HYD-VPN1/Snapshots/5CF92BCE-643D-401A-9003-96743F01AD95.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 40994 A HYD-VPN1/Snapshots/5CF92BCE-643D-401A-9003-96743F01AD95.vmcx
- 2022-02-20 17:32:41 3062890496 D HYD-VPN1/Virtual Hard Disks/
- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 3058696192 A HYD-VPN1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-VPN1.VHDX
- 2022-02-19 17:03:39 4194304 A HYD-VPN1/Virtual Hard Disks/HYD-VPN1_5888A8FD-039C-4E0E-90E8-A6CD0E093EA2.avhdx- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 172066 D HYD-VPN1/Virtual Machines/
- 2022-02-19 17:03:39 126976 A HYD-VPN1/Virtual Machines/565989A3-5C25-4859-8DB2-042CF4341147.VMRS
- 2022-02-20 17:32:57 45090 A HYD-VPN1/Virtual Machines/565989A3-5C25-4859-8DB2-042CF4341147.vmcx
- 2020-10-16 18:55:23 9130999808 A ServerParent.vhdx
- 2021-05-23 01:05:47 9768534016 A WindowsParent.vhdx
Hello @weDeNorth. Can you please tell us to which article your feedback applies? This information will help us route the issue to the correct writer/team.
@denisebmsft thanks for the prompt response. The windows 10 and office 365 deployment tool kit "description" states that the lab kit has Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring which according to the lab guide is contained in HYD-APP1 ( but the recent upload of the lab kit has no such VM. Hope this answers your question.
@greg-lindsay Please help us in resolving this issue. Thanks
@greg-lindsay Gentle reminder
I'm having the same issue and would like to know how to resolve it. This VM is necessary to setup the lab environment
@Teddy24B I think Microsoft is looking into it. Hopefully, we will receive an update soon that the package has been updated. @yogkumgit did send a friendly reminder.
@greg-lindsay Please review, comment and resolve this issue. Thanks.
Is this still an issue? Because both of the last two iterations of the lab Win_10_21H2_lab_guides and Microsoft365DeviceLabKit do not generate that Bitlocker VM
Definitely an issue for the MECM course I am trying to follow using this lab. The first real hands-on practical lesson is to configure the app server.