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Power Apps design principles

Open MichaelRoth42 opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Article suggestion

Guidance around design principles targeting Citizen Developers. How to make professional looking Power Apps Happy to write it myself 🙂

MichaelRoth42 avatar Jun 03 '21 19:06 MichaelRoth42

We'd love to get your thoughts on this, @MichaelRoth42!

sympmarc avatar Jun 03 '21 22:06 sympmarc

Hello @MichaelRoth42. We are really excited for this article. As a UX specialist, I may be a bit biased ;p Let us know if you need any support :)

eemancini avatar Nov 19 '21 18:11 eemancini

I think I found the perfect supporter for that (and thanks for reminding me about this issue 🙈)

MichaelRoth42 avatar Nov 19 '21 18:11 MichaelRoth42


eemancini avatar Nov 19 '21 19:11 eemancini