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Inheritance should be inverted and it should omit the final class
Original GitHub issue by @drowa
Instead of... Inheritance Object -> SubClass1 -> ... -> SubClassN -> ClassOnThisDocPage It should be... Inheritance SubClassN <- ... <- SubClass1 <- Object
This would follow the structure of the code, focusing on the immediate parent which is usually more relevant than Object.
Also, omitting the final class would make the 'Inheritance' part of the doc somehow more "symmetric" with the 'Implements' part.
Note that when using this rule, the doc page of the Object class would naturally lack the 'Inheritance' part (because we are omitting the final class).
Document Details
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- ID: 6b66ab1a-35aa-1bba-388c-30d698c1f50c
- Version Independent ID: d7dde1b9-fd16-dd30-6622-a15836579a9c
- Content: HashSet<T> Class (System.Collections.Generic)
- Content Source: [xml/System.Collections.Generic/HashSet
1.xml) - Product: dotnet-api
- GitHub Login: @mairaw
- Microsoft Alias: mairaw
@dend Can you take a look at this feedback?
@mimisasouvanh please take a look at this customer suggestion