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DirectWrite: `IDWriteTextLayout4` and `IDWriteFontFallback1` are missing documentation for all their methods

Open rickbrew opened this issue 7 months ago • 2 comments

These are in the regular Windows SDK docs:

IDWriteTextLayout4: IDWriteFontFallback1:

These interfaces do have methods, but the documentation makes it look like they're empty.

Over in the DWriteCore docs, it looks like they are correctly filled out:

IDWriteTextLayout4: IDWriteFontFallback1:

rickbrew avatar Jan 24 '24 00:01 rickbrew

Thank you for opening an issue! One of our team members will get back to you with additional information.

If this is a product issue, please close this issue and contact the product's support instead. For a list of support websites, see Support for Microsoft products and apps.

welcome[bot] avatar Jan 24 '24 00:01 welcome[bot]

FYI @drewbatgit

gewarren avatar Jan 29 '24 22:01 gewarren