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Renaming plan with Azure Spring Apps
at the snippet below should updated accordingly with the new service name Azure Spring Apps:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.SaaS
az term accept \
--publisher vmware-inc \
--product azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 \
--plan tanzu-asc-ent-mtr
also in the Bicep template, all references to Azure Spring Cloud should be renamed Azure Spring Apps
Btw, URL should be renamed with
Document Details
⚠ Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.
- ID: 6003b4bc-f06f-f468-95ad-7454c0ebdeac
- Version Independent ID: 2aa22fbd-59cd-08c8-be07-5b8cd9a4bc5e
- Content: Quickstart - Provision Azure Spring Apps using Bicep
- Content Source: articles/spring-cloud/
- Service: spring-cloud
- GitHub Login: @KarlErickson
- Microsoft Alias: karler
Thank you for your feedback! We have assigned this issue to the author to review further and take the next course of action.
Hi @ezYakaEagle442 - thanks for the feedback! We're doing the rename in multiple phases due to resourcing constraints and other complications. We've added notes to the top of most affected articles to help make this transition clearer. The issues that you point out should be fixed sometime in the next few months.
The Resource Provider also has not been renamed whereas the CLI extension has been renamed :
tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
azureSpringAppsObjectId="$(az ad sp list --filter "displayName eq 'Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'" --query "[?appDisplayName=='Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider']" --query "[?appOwnerTenantId=='$tenantId'].id" -o tsv | head -1)"
# This query returns 1 and only 1 Id: d2531223-68f9-459e-b225-5592f90d145e
azureSpringAppsRpObjectId="$(az ad sp list --filter "displayName eq 'Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'" --query "[?appDisplayName=='Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'].id" -o tsv | head -1)"
az ad sp list --filter "displayname eq 'Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'" --query "[?appDisplayName=='Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'].id" -o tsv |
while IFS= read -r line
echo "$line" &
# This query returns 1 and only 1 Id: e8de9221-a19c-4c81-b814-fd37c6caf9d2
azureSpringAppsRpAppId="$(az ad sp list --filter "displayname eq 'Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'" --query "[?appDisplayName=='Azure Spring Cloud Resource Provider'].appId" -o tsv | head -1)"
also the GitHub Action is still named Azure Spring Cloud, see
@ezYakaEagle442 thanks for the details! We'll make sure these are on our to-do list.
also at :
Once you’re ready to run your Spring app in the cloud, we recommend Azure Spring Cloud. Azure Spring Cloud is a fully managed Spring Cloud service, built and supported by the same team as Spring Cloud Azure.
also at
Azure Spring Apps makes it easy to deploy Spring Boot microservice applications to Azure without any code changes. The service manages the infrastructure of Spring Cloud applications so developers can focus on their code. Azure Spring Cloud provides lifecycle management using comprehensive monitoring and diagnostics, configuration management, service discovery, CI/CD integration, blue-green deployments, and more. If your team or organization is predominantly Spring, Azure Spring Apps is an ideal option.
This article will help you understand which scenarios and use cases are best suited for Azure Container Apps and how it compares to other container options on Azure including:
Azure Container Apps Azure App Service Azure Container Instances Azure Kubernetes Service Azure Functions Azure Spring Cloud Azure Red Hat OpenShift
also at :
Terraform is also Impacted :
Also in the VSCode extension referenced at (leads to
also at
also at :
also at @jdubois
Thanks @ezYakaEagle442 - this is done for JHipster at
also the GH Actions are still spring-cloud at :
@KarlErickson also at outdated since 2 years ...
@jdubois we need Nubegen to fix this ! :)
@KarlErickson also at
Much of this work is complete, and the rest is represented in Azure DevOps. Closing.