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Possible incorrect steps when configuring forced tunnelling
It looks like Step3 and Step 4 are using the same command
New-AzRouteTable –Name "MyRouteTable" -ResourceGroupName "ForcedTunneling" –Label "Routing Table for Forced Tunneling" –Location "North Europe"
I think Step 4 should be using the Set-AzRouteTable command, something like
Set-AzureRoute –RouteTable "MyRouteTable" –RouteName "DefaultRoute" –AddressPrefix "" –NextHopType VPNGateway
Document Details
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- ID: e199bebd-d994-ec96-4716-c995559adc21
- Version Independent ID: 1b856aa3-2779-2600-152d-19a70c37edb9
- Content: Configure forced tunneling for Site-to-Site connections - Azure VPN Gateway
- Content Source: articles/vpn-gateway/
- Service: vpn-gateway
- GitHub Login: @cherylmc
- Microsoft Alias: cherylmc
Thanks for your feedback! We will investigate and update as appropriate.
@brcart Thank you for your feedback! We have assigned this issue to the author to review further and take the next course of action.
@cherylmc FYA, the PS commands in this document might need an update.
Fixing. Thanks! #sign-off