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Microsoft Purview =! Microsoft purview data governance
Can you please review this page (and likely others from this document) where Microsoft Purview name is used as the solution in question. It is incoherent since Microsoft purview includes a lot of other solutions that work and are setup differenetly than what's covered by the Microsoft Purview data governance piece...
Document Details
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- ID: 8868c56f-f02e-475b-7e7a-2db4abaf2b84
- Version Independent ID: bf20ce93-60e9-36ff-f4e8-22ad9f626ba9
- Content: Deployment best practices for Microsoft Purview (formerly Azure Purview) - Microsoft Purview
- Content Source: articles/purview/
- Service: purview
- GitHub Login: @shsandeep123
- Microsoft Alias: sandeepshah
Thanks for your feedback! We will investigate and update as appropriate.
@amcamillo - I've got plans to update these documents, but they'll be in line with updates coming to Microsoft Purview in general.
Are there any specific pain points/lines I can address?
Hi @whhender Thanks for the response.
@amcamillo - I've added some flags that should help to differentiate the documentation. Thanks again for your feedback!