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Action doesnt exist
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Tried to use the action for a custom role, got this from terraform:
Error: authorization.RoleDefinitionsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=400 Code="InvalidActionOrNotAction" Message="'Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/join/action' does not match any of the actions supported by the providers."
Document Details
⚠ Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.
- ID: 99581afb-7950-6daa-7227-055d04446b7e
- Version Independent ID: f1a5bf89-9e54-aede-3a9a-70788a95927b
- Content: Azure built-in roles - Azure RBAC
- Content Source: articles/role-based-access-control/
- Service: role-based-access-control
- GitHub Login: @rolyon
- Microsoft Alias: rolyon
@kosyakov Thanks for your feedback! We will investigate and update as appropriate.
@kosyakov Thanks for your feedback! We have assigned the issue to author who willl provide further updates.
Hi @kosyakov Thanks for your feedback. Here is the list of actions for the Microsoft.ClassicNetwork resource provider: I don't see the action you are referring to. thanks
Hi @kosyakov I checked with the team and the Microsoft.ClassicNetwork resource provider does not have this action. Let us know if you have any additional feedback. thanks