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Azure Monitor - InsightsMetrics - populate custom tag, or pod name
Azure Monitor - InsightsMetrics
We need some way to filter metrics scraped from our services in Azure Kubernetes that are injected into InsightsMetrics. It seems that labels/annotations from pods are droped, we did not find a way to populate pod name with metrics...
How should we plot a graph of requests per second per pod, in Azure Monitor, if we cannot filter out by a pod?
Example record from InsightsMetrics
12/3/2022, 10:32:00.000 AM aks-default-12500777-vmss000000 prometheus keycloak_response_errors 3 {"code":"500","":"/subscriptions/xxxxxx-5fa9-493e-9256-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/RG-dev/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks-dev","":"aks-dev","hostName":"aks-default-12500777-vmss000000","method":"GET","resource":"realms,realms/center/protocol/openid-connect","scrapeUrl":""} xxxxxx-9e53-4d70-9df1-xxxxxxxxxx
Document Details
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- ID: 9f2f9b8e-6345-7fdc-602f-a728b446e3e9
- Version Independent ID: 16bc2a0f-b03e-b411-ff0c-def649ad463d
- Content: Customize scraping of Prometheus metrics in Azure Monitor (preview) - Azure Monitor
- Content Source: articles/azure-monitor/essentials/
- Service: azure-monitor
- Sub-service: essentials
- GitHub Login: @EdB-MSFT
- Microsoft Alias: edbaynash
@sirkubax Thanks for your feedback! We will investigate and update as appropriate.
as I get it, Insights Metrics have limited Fields by default, I think a Computer 'field' could be a place to inject POD or container, or it could be placed into Tags
Maybe it is possible to write prometheus scrapper to inject such labels?
eh found it
colleague definend URL scraping in Configmap in the section of prometheus_data_collection_settings.node
so just use pod annotations and it would be picked up by prometheus_data_collection_settings.cluster