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How can we change the sizing of the OS disk after node pool creation?
Regarding 'Default OS disk sizing', I would like to know how can we change the OS disk property after creation. This doc notes "you can change the sizing of the OS disk at any time after cluster or node pool creation" in 'Important', but there is no information about the way.
'az aks nodepool update' does not have --node-osdisk-size
Could you please add the way?
Also, I can't find any information about this change in AKS release notes.
Could you please tell me when this behavioral change was noted in AKS release notes?
Document Details
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- ID: e1e42fdb-aa59-786b-ba0d-659f67db3cf3
- Version Independent ID: cc199e1d-6737-5f52-f2a2-b6c0b603dbdc
- Content: Cluster configuration in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) - Azure Kubernetes Service
- Content Source: articles/aks/
- Service: container-service
- GitHub Login: @MGoedtel
- Microsoft Alias: magoedte
Thanks for your feedback! We will investigate and update as appropriate.
@jyama4ta Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'm going to assign this to the document author so they can take a look at it accordingly.
@MGoedtel Can you please check and add your comments on this doc update request as applicable.
@MGoedtel Could you please take a look?
@jyama4ta and @SaibabaBalapur-MSFT - I'm discussing this with my peers to understand why this point was made in that note and why it's not linked to any guidance on how to resize the OS disk in a supported way. While the recommended approach is to create a new node pool with the resized disk(s), I'm checking to see if there is another way that doesn't involve the heavy lifting required to address the capacity constraint.
@jyama4ta - The only supported method to resize the OS disk is to create a new node pool with the resized disk(s). I'm going to bug the article and correct the note before the end of this week. I'm going to proceed with closing this issue. Feel free to share your feedback with the product group using Microsoft Feedback. #please-close