OfficeDocs-SkypeForBusiness copied to clipboard
Incomplete sentence.
in step 2 point 5 we state "Set the password for your common area phone manually to prevent."
What are we trying to prevent? looking at the note below it I assume its sign-in issues for users
Suggest updating the page to read "Set the password for your common area phone manually to prevent sign-in issues for users"
Document Details
⚠ Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.
- ID: b4ab5215-f24f-75cf-bb92-16ac0ff5e5ca
- Version Independent ID: 701cc58f-d2ea-cbb6-f5fc-47b9fbfb1119
- Content: Set up the Common Area Phone license - Microsoft Teams
- Content Source: Teams/
- Service: msteams
- GitHub Login: @cazawideh
- Microsoft Alias: czawideh
Hi @Atreidae, thank you for your feedback.
The article was updated 2 months ago to fix this sentence: