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communication credits are not available if your phone licensing is not a direct purchase.

Open sgtwtf opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

[Enter feedback here] I have been going back and fourth with support on this for like two weeks and i have given up trying to get it fixed so I am just looking to make it known. Communication Credits are not available for direct purchase if you get all your other licensing via CSP/Reseller. This "not a bug" is not in any official documentation provided by Microsoft. The workaround for the "not a bug" is to direct purchase E5 license and then communication credits are available to purchase then you go back and cancel the E5 that was never needed.

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sgtwtf avatar Aug 25 '22 15:08 sgtwtf

Hello @sgtwtf I am looking into this

get-itips avatar Sep 23 '22 21:09 get-itips