Console-Docs copied to clipboard
Select Update Anniversary Features - Working Example
Fixed it.
`` // Compiled with gcc-12.2.0-mingw-w64ucrt-10.0.0-r4 // gcc -o vts vts.c Where vts.c = source file name
// System headers #include <windows.h>
// Standard library C-style #include <wchar.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h>
#define ESC "\x1b" #define CSI "\x1b["
int main(void); bool EnableVTMode(void); void PrintVerticalBorder(void); void PrintHorizontalBorder(COORD const Size, bool fIsTop); void PrintStatusLine(const char* const pszMessage, COORD const Size);
int main() { //First, enable VT mode bool fSuccess = EnableVTMode(); if (!fSuccess) { printf("Unable to enter VT processing mode. Quitting.\n"); return -1; } HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Couldn't get the console handle. Quitting.\n"); return -1; }
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &ScreenBufferInfo);
Size.X = ScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Right - ScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Left + 1;
Size.Y = ScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Bottom - ScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Top + 1;
// Enter the alternate buffer
printf(CSI "?1049h");
// Clear screen, tab stops, set, stop at columns 16, 32
printf(CSI "1;1H");
printf(CSI "2J"); // Clear screen
int iNumTabStops = 4; // (0, 20, 40, width)
printf(CSI "3g"); // clear all tab stops
printf(CSI "1;20H"); // Move to column 20
printf(ESC "H"); // set a tab stop
printf(CSI "1;40H"); // Move to column 40
printf(ESC "H"); // set a tab stop
// Set scrolling margins to 3, h-2
printf(CSI "3;%dr", Size.Y - 2);
int iNumLines = Size.Y - 4;
printf(CSI "1;1H");
printf(CSI "102;30m");
printf("Windows 10 Anniversary Update - VT Example");
printf(CSI "0m");
// Print a top border - Yellow
printf(CSI "2;1H");
PrintHorizontalBorder(Size, true);
// // Print a bottom border
printf(CSI "%d;1H", Size.Y - 1);
PrintHorizontalBorder(Size, false);
wchar_t wch;
// draw columns
printf(CSI "3;1H");
int line = 0;
for (line = 0; line < iNumLines * iNumTabStops; line++)
if (line + 1 != iNumLines * iNumTabStops) // don't advance to next line if this is the last line
printf("\t"); // advance to next tab stop
PrintStatusLine("Press any key to see text printed between tab stops.", Size);
wch = _getwch();
// Fill columns with output
printf(CSI "3;1H");
for (line = 0; line < iNumLines; line++)
int tab = 0;
for (tab = 0; tab < iNumTabStops - 1; tab++)
printf("line=%d", line);
printf("\t"); // advance to next tab stop
PrintVerticalBorder();// print border at right side
if (line + 1 != iNumLines)
printf("\t"); // advance to next tab stop, (on the next line)
PrintStatusLine("Press any key to demonstrate scroll margins", Size);
wch = _getwch();
printf(CSI "3;1H");
for (line = 0; line < iNumLines * 2; line++)
printf(CSI "K"); // clear the line
int tab = 0;
for (tab = 0; tab < iNumTabStops - 1; tab++)
printf("line=%d", line);
printf("\t"); // advance to next tab stop
PrintVerticalBorder(); // print border at right side
if (line + 1 != iNumLines * 2)
printf("\n"); //Advance to next line. If we're at the bottom of the margins, the text will scroll.
printf("\r"); //return to first col in buffer
PrintStatusLine("Press any key to exit", Size);
wch = _getwch();
// Exit the alternate buffer
printf(CSI "?1049l");
return 0;
bool EnableVTMode() { // Set output mode to handle virtual terminal sequences HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; }
DWORD dwMode = 0;
if (!GetConsoleMode(hOut, &dwMode))
return false;
if (!SetConsoleMode(hOut, dwMode))
return false;
return true;
void PrintVerticalBorder() { printf(ESC "(0"); // Enter Line drawing mode printf(CSI "104;93m"); // bright yellow on bright blue printf("x"); // in line drawing mode, \x78 -> \u2502 "Vertical Bar" printf(CSI "0m"); // restore color printf(ESC "(B"); // exit line drawing mode }
void PrintHorizontalBorder(COORD const Size, bool fIsTop) { printf(ESC "(0"); // Enter Line drawing mode printf(CSI "104;93m"); // Make the border bright yellow on bright blue printf(fIsTop ? "l" : "m"); // print left corner
for (int i = 1; i < Size.X - 1; i++)
printf("q"); // in line drawing mode, \x71 -> \u2500 "HORIZONTAL SCAN LINE-5"
printf(fIsTop ? "k" : "j"); // print right corner
printf(CSI "0m");
printf(ESC "(B"); // exit line drawing mode
void PrintStatusLine(const char* const pszMessage, COORD const Size) { printf(CSI "%d;1H", Size.Y); printf(CSI "K"); // clear the line printf(pszMessage); }
You're welcome. :)
Document Details
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- ID: fc536527-f75d-5a03-7b5a-338a08e40d2f
- Version Independent ID: 097f43d9-243f-466e-1f99-6cfa1f4bfb1f
- Content: Console Virtual Terminal Sequences - Windows Console
- Content Source: docs/
- Product: windows
- Technology: windows-console
- GitHub Login: @miniksa
- Microsoft Alias: miniksa