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Deprecated package
One month after the publication of the page, the package AdaptiveCards.Rendering.Html was deprecated, removed from the project, and no longer updated. In fact, it is still in nuget; but it does not work with current AdaptiveCards packages (though it declares no specific dependency).
Update the documentation accordingly, possibly suggesting alternatives.
Document Details
⚠ Do not edit this section. It is required for ➟ GitHub issue linking.
- ID: 20a9d59f-d59c-47a4-2b41-389183c551ea
- Version Independent ID: b62496c8-3bf5-c148-c0b5-cfe25b520998
- Content: Render a card - .NET HTML SDK - Adaptive Cards
- Content Source: AdaptiveCards/sdk/rendering-cards/net-html/
- Product: adaptive-cards
- GitHub Login: @matthidinger
- Microsoft Alias: mahiding