atsamr34_lorawan_rn_parser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atsamr34_lorawan_rn_parser copied to clipboard

"IoT Made Easy!" - Control SAM R34 or WLR089U0 Module with ASCII command set over UART


"Wireless Made Easy!" - Control SAM R34 IC or WLR089U0 Module with ASCII commands over UART

Devices: | ATSAMR34 | WLR089U0

⚠ Disclaimer

THE SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND GIVE A PATH FOR SELF-SUPPORT AND SELF-MAINTENANCE. This repository contains unsupported example code intended to help accelerate client product development. It is not validated for production nor audited for security best-practices. Note that while this repository is unsupported, Microchip welcome community contributions, and all pull-requests will be considered for inclusion into the repository.

Interact with peers in the community at LoRa Forum.


Control SAM R34 IC or WLR089U0 Module with ASCII commands over UART.


Sample Applications

Clone/Download the current repo to get the software.

A la carte

  1. Quick Start Guide
    1. Hardware Setup
    2. Software Setup
    3. Plug-in
    4. Link Up
    5. Send Data
    6. Standby mode
    7. Secure Authentication
  2. Command User's Guide
    1. Command Syntax
    2. Command Organization
    3. System Commands
    4. MAC Commands
    5. Limitations