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"IoT Made Easy!" - Enable Easy to use P2P Protocol for Long-Range & Low Power Applications on SAM R34 LoRa Technology ICs and WLR089U0 Module


"Wireless Made Easy!" - Enable Easy to use P2P Protocol for Long-Range & Low Power Applications on SAM R34 LoRa Technology ICs and WLR089U0 Module

Devices: | ATSAMR34 | WLR089U0

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THE SOFTWARE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND GIVE A PATH FOR SELF-SUPPORT AND SELF-MAINTENANCE. This repository contains unsupported example code intended to help accelerate client product development. It is not validated for production nor audited for security best-practices. Note that while this repository is unsupported, Microchip welcome community contributions, and all pull-requests will be considered for inclusion into the repository.

Interact with peers in the community at LoRa Forum.


Start from navigating in the resources available then take a deep breath and dive-in the details of the LoRa P2P Protocol and the APIs available exclusively for SAM R34 LoRa Technology ICs and WLR089U0 Module. Get two evaluation boards, setup your software environment and enjoy the Out-of-box demo capable of establishing a wireless communication between two devices with less than 30 lines of C code to run the stack in the application layer. Then customize the reference sample code and enable application to fulfill typical real-life use case examples.


Sample Applications

Clone/Download the current repo to get the software.

A la carte

  1. Learning Phase

    1. Introduction
    2. Protocol Overview
      1. Protocol Features
      2. Protocol Considerations
    3. Acronyms and Abbreviations
    4. Architecture
    5. LoRa P2P Wireless Protocol
      1. PHY Layer
      2. Device Types
      3. Supported Topology
      4. Network Types
      5. Network Addressing
    6. Message Format
      1. Frame Format
      2. Transmitting and Receiving
    7. Variations for Handshaking
    8. Custom MAC Commands for LoRa P2P Wireless Protocol
      1. P2P Connection Request
      2. P2P Connection Removal Request
      3. Data Request
      4. P2P Connection Response
      5. P2P Connection Removal Response
    9. LoRa P2P Wireless Protocol's Unique Features
    10. Network Freezer
      1. Motivation
      2. Solution
      3. Interface
      4. Additional Notes
    11. Sleep Feature
    12. LoRa P2P - Networking
      1. Start and Join Network
      2. Data Transfer in Network
    13. MACRO Description for LoRa P2P
    14. MiApp API List
    15. MiApp API Description
    16. Limitations
  2. Getting Started

    1. Introduction
    2. Overview
    3. Supported Hardware Platforms and IDEs
    4. Development Environment Setup
      1. Microchip Studio Installation
      2. Stack Configurations
      3. Building Applications in Microchip Studio
    5. Hardware Environment Setup
    6. Out-of-box Demo Application
  3. Customize with system approach

    1. Introduction
    2. Enable P2P Communication between end nodes
      1. Overview
      2. Hardware Setup
      3. Configure the Reference Code Example
      4. Run the demo
    3. Enable a Network of end nodes and a single coordinator
      1. Overview
      2. Hardware Setup
      3. Configure the Reference Code Example
      4. Run the demo
    4. Enable Long-Range Communication
      1. Overview
      2. Hardware Setup
      3. Configure the Application