Hi, after learning basic lua syntax, I add a new loop function of sorting the line number of bookmarks. So it can show results orderly.
OK. But I am freshman about lua and telescope. When I read your script, I found sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), may be the generic_sorter the core of my question? I have...
Hi, when I run the 3rd cell in the tutorial notebook. A ParserError occured: Multiple files for a given year or file not found (specify a specific file in paramters)...
Hi, how is it going?
Same for me in IPYHON 8.4.0
> That's odd; seems like a capitalization-sensitive string comparison issue. What platform are you running, and what version of holoviews? It's hard to imagine how this wouldn't have come up...
Same issue in mac arm64 and windows10
Same feature request. Essential for Chinese users.
Hi. I also agree that a top position allowing for viewing more codes.
I have the same issue when I use non Administrator account. But Administrator account is ok.