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Access ZTF data from Python



This package is made to ease access to Zwicky Transient Facility data and data-products. It is maintained by M. Rigault (CNRS/IN2P3) and S. Reusch (DESY).

cite ztfquery

ztfquery: a python tool to access ztf (and SEDM) data

ztfquery contains a list of tools:

  • ZTF products: a wrapper of the IRSA web API that enable to get ztf data (requires access for full data, but not public data):

    • Images and pipeline products, e.g. catalog ; See the ztfquery.query.py documentation
    • LightCurves (not from image subtraction): See the ztfquery.lightcurve.py documentation
    • ZTF observing logs: See the ztfquery.skyvision.py documentation
  • Marshal/Fritz: Download the source information and data, such as lightcurves, spectra, coordinates and redshift:

    • from the ZTF-I Marshal: See the ztfquery.marshal.py documentation
    • from the ZTF-II Fritz: See the ztfquery.fritz.py documentation
  • SEDM Data: tools to download SEDM data, including IFU cubes and target spectra, from pharos See the ztfquery.sedm.py documentation

  • ZTF alert: Currently only a simple alert reader. See the ztfquery.alert.py documentation



Mickael Rigault. (2018, August 14). ztfquery, a python tool to access ZTF data (Version doi). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1345222


If you have used ztfquery for a research you are publishing, please include the following in your acknowledgments: "The ztfquery code was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n°759194 - USNAC, PI: Rigault)."

Corresponding Authors:


ztfquery requires python >= 3.8

Install the code

using pip: pip install ztfquery (favored)

or for the latest version:

go wherever you want to save the folder and then

git clone https://github.com/MickaelRigault/ztfquery.git
cd ztfquery
poetry install

Set your environment

You should also create the global variable $ZTFDATA (usually in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.cshrc). Data you will download from IRSA will be saved in the directory indicated by $ZTFDATA following the IRSA data structure.

Login and Password storage

Your credentials will requested the first time you need to access a service (IRSA, Marshal, etc.). They will then be stored, crypted, under ~/.ztfquery. Use ztfquery.io.set_account(servicename) to reset it.

You can also directly provide account settings when running load_metadata and download_data using the auth=[your_username, your_password] parameter. Similarly, directly provide the username and password to the ztf ops page when loading NightSummary using the ztfops_auth parameter.

Quick Examples