Michele Tobias
Michele Tobias
Add an option to the start-up window (where you put in your credentials) to decide which columns to display in the table of citations. Particularly, I'd like the option to...
Currently the Save feature only works if your library is set to "Publish Entire Library" in the privacy settings of your account. Let's figure out how to make this optional...
**Background:** Zotero accepts dates in a multitude of formats so there can be a variety of formats in any given citation collection. Currently we handle this challenge by converting the...
- [ ] Add row numbers to table. - [ ] Add count of records like the attribute table interface has
Currently LiteratureMapper only supports points and multipoint geometries. To be really useful we need to add: - [ ] Line - [ ] Multiline - [ ] Polygon - [...
People may want to be able to fix, adjust, or add to the points, lines, and polgyons they've already made instead of just overwriting them.
You could map many different kinds of locations for one paper - the study cite, the author's institution(s), etc. Let's add a tag system to the geometry strings that lets...
In the Supervised Classification section (Remote Sensing and Image Analysis), the "Distribution of Training Sites" plot has an error when it plots the training sites. https://rspatial.org/rs/5-supclassification.html
The assessment is written specifically for Nicholas' library data so it no longer works with the new UCD library data. I think we should write this more generically to work...
The library checkouts data that Nick formatted is available [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l0DI8P9BnoLPKT7MPl0H542YqOEUp9Uq/view?usp=drive_link). We need to: - [x] Assess the new dataset for ease of learning (105 MB is pretty big for learners...