Michal Strehovský

Results 123 comments of Michal Strehovský

Do we have any motivating scenarios that we expect to meaningfully improve? I tried TechEmpower Json benchmark, but I'm seeing some very confusing results (`crank --config https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Benchmarks/main/scenarios/platform.benchmarks.yml --scenario json --profile...

> > shows improved RPS with SSE3 disabled compared to the baseline which is the opposite of what I wanted/expected to measure). > > That's weird because SSE3 specifically doesn't...

I'd rather this decision wasn't made solely on microbenchmarks. I have no doubts it helps microbenchmarks. They're good supporting evidence, but something that impacts the users is better as the...

> We likewise know the importance of these operations in scenarios like ML, Image Processing, Games, etc. I imagine coming up with real world benchmarks showing improvements won't be difficult....

> It's worth noting I opened https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/28055 so that we can, longer term, get more definitive information on this and other important hardware characteristics. I'm not sure if that one...

Could you zip up the assemblies/files referenced from `obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\win-x64\native\Test.ilc.rsp` and attach them along with the rsp file itself so that I can repro this locally? The compiler crashing with an...

Thanks. I was afraid of this - `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IForeignKey.GetReferencingSkipNavigations` is a default interface method. CoreRT doesn't support default interface methods yet :(.

The relevant part of the MSBuild targets is around the `ExportsFile` property: https://github.com/dotnet/corert/blob/193e9d57e4e51cd7e61e385e2c790c43791a29b2/src/BuildIntegration/Microsoft.NETCore.Native.targets#L67 To investigate, I would start with running a build with diagnostic output turned on and checking how...

One problem with grabbing these from various VSIX and MSI files is that there's no good way to automatically pull those files in. We either need some external prerequisite script...

Thanks! I think before starting anything, we need to have clarity on the lifecycle of the external bits - what's the source of the linker bits, how is the lifetime...