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Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!

Results 156 type-graphql issues
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**Describe the Bug** When the name argument string contains a double underscore, field resolvers for this objectType fail to execute `@ObjectType('product__tag')` **To Reproduce** ``` @ObjectType('product__tag') class ProductTagType { @Field() public...

Bug :bug:
Community :family_man_girl:

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The custom subscribe function passed to a subscription resolver is required to return AsyncIterator synchronously. However, there is async business...

Enhancement :new:
Community :family_man_girl:

**Problem:** So I made a base resolver to produce two field resolvers for `user type` which are -> `followers` and `following` to overwrite them from the parent resolver and give...

Bug :bug:
Community :family_man_girl:

In GraphQL, our API behaves like a huge graph that describe all of the relations between our types, e.g. that the Post has an Author, the Comment has an Author...

Enhancement :new:

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Our project uses [the Reflect polyfill provided in `core-js`](https://github.com/zloirock/core-js#reflect-metadata) since `core-js` provides a range of other useful polyfills. However, when...

Enhancement :new:
Community :family_man_girl:

Right now there are to ways to register a middleware: - `@UseMiddleware` above the resolver method - `globalMiddlewares` in `buildSchema` In case of `@UseMiddleware` decorator, it should be possible to...

Enhancement :new:

The main goal of TypeGraphQL is to get rid of SDL schema and TS interfaces duplication in favor of one single source of truth (classes with decorators). However, after adding...

Enhancement :new:
Discussion :speech_balloon:
Blocked :no_entry_sign:

Expose decorator types like `ReturnTypeFuncValue`. This is useful if you want to implement a generic paginated response type. We use an abstract class aka `interface` for `itemsFieldValue`. An abstract doesn't...

Enhancement :new:
Community :family_man_girl:

https://github.com/facebook/dataloader 1. Caching resolving the same data 2. Instead of normal resolving: ```ts @FieldResolver() author(@Root() recipe: Recipe) { return this.userRepository.findById(recipe.authorId); } ``` Introduce batched resolving - taking array of roots:...

Enhancement :new:

## Owner note TypeGraphQL is an MIT-licensed open source project. It doesn't have a large company that sits behind - its ongoing development is possible only thanks to the support...

Question :grey_question:
Community :family_man_girl:
Chore :hammer:
Solved :heavy_check_mark: