osm_planner copied to clipboard
How to get started to this project.
Hello Michal,I have some problem to start this project because i'm new to this project,especially to open source project.I want to make this osm planner for my final year project.Can you give us clear step so i can follow this osm. best regards.
Hello sorry for my late answer,
Package has been rebuilt as move_group plugin for nav_core/base_global_planner. So if you want launch the package you should launch move_group.launch https://github.com/MichalDobis/osm_planner/blob/gps_compass_correction/launch/move_base.launch
After launch you can draw parsed map by rosservice call /move_base/Planner/draw_route and in Rviz you can set 2D Nav goal.
Do you have knowleadge about navigation stack http://wiki.ros.org/navigation?