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A portfolio designed for lazy developers all over the world. With little configuration and maintanince let this application automatically update itself without you having to lift a finger!


A portfolio designed for lazy developers all over the world. With little configuration and maintanince let this application automatically update itself without you having to lift a finger!

The home page

As a Developer 🥑 (Advocate) I speak at events, write blog posts, and maintain some libraries. I wanted to create a website that would showcase all of this, and I created this project to fetch from dev.to, GitHub and a YouTube playlist!

  • My experience is pulled from LinkedIn and is shown on /.
  • Articles I've written on dev.to are shown on /articles.
  • My most starred and recent GitHub repos are shown on /code.
  • Recorded talks are fetched from a YouTube playlist and shown on the /talks.

Almost all of this is configured from a few JSON files in src/_data.

Getting Setup

We'll keep our first step simple and just run a npm ci command. You will also want firebase-tools installed as a global dependency on your machine. Just run the command npm i -g firebase-tools and be sure to sign into your Google account for the firebase-tools with the command firebase login.


Some basic details used for generating pages and fetching content on the site is found in the src/_data/about.json. Below is an interface explaining the site's data structure. If you don't want one of the optional fields, delete it.

interface About {
  name: string; // Your name.
  shortName: string; // Short name for PWA.
  devto?: string; // dev.to username.
  github?: string; // Twitter username.
  linkedin?: string; // LinkedIn custom URL, `www.linkedin.com/in/<THIS>`.
  youtubePlaylist?: string; // YouTube Playlist ID.


I would like to automate this but LinkedIn makes it near impossible. Using this Chrome extension. Generate a JSON and save the content in src/_data/linkedin.json.


This application takes advantage of Firebase for the use of its Hosting and Google Analytics. In the Firebase console create a new application, and ensure that these features are enabled. Typically they would be enabled from the get-go, but you may want to check just in case.

Update the .firebaserc file in the root directory so that projects.default is assigned to your Project ID. The easiest way to do this is just to delete the file and run the command firbase init to assign it to your project.

Next update src/_data/firebase.json with your Firebase config details.


You will also need to enable the YouTube Data API v3 for your Firebase application, which you can do here. Generate an API token for this and use set it as an environment variable called YOUTUBE. If you don't want to keep setting it you can set it once in a git ignored .env file.

Let's Wind Up

With everything configured and data generated you can test the site by running:

npm run start

If everything looks good then we're ready to deploy to Firebase, run:

npm run build
firebase deploy
