CommonMark.jl copied to clipboard
Interpolation Error (?)
using CommonMark
cat = "test!"
# Works:
cm"""<b>Well done, your cat is called $(cat) now.</b>"""
cm"""<b>Well done, your cat is called $cat now.</b>"""
# Doesn't work:
cm"""<p><b>Well done, your cat is called $(cat) now.</b></p>"""
cm"""<p><b>Well done, your cat is called $cat now.</b></p>"""
Does not interpolate variable $cat
Seems related to the nested xml...
Seems related to the nested xml...
Yeah, it's just being caused by certain types of HTML blocks and their precedence:
This is something that's defined within the spec so can't be adjusted here. There may be a way to have interpolation happen prior to the HTML tags being parsed, but quite honestly it'll likely just lead to a lot of weird edge cases.
Don't think this is an 'issue', necessarily, in the sense that if you're writing html, you shouldn't necessarily want to / need to use markdown, maybe worth adding to a doc page at some point in the future, I'll post a snippet below that could be used.
Interpolation and HTML Snippets: Oil and Water
CommonMark.jl works great with html snippets, like:
<p><b>Well done, your cat is called Jimmy now.</b></p>
it also works seamlessly with variable interpolation in CommonMark markdown:
# This is a dynamically populated $variable and calculation $(1+1)
Unfortunately, like oil and water, html snippets and variable interpolation don’t mix, so please don’t expect:
<p><b>Well done, your cat is called $cat now.</b></p>
to return anything but the html, with the interpolation step ignored:
<p><b>Well done, your cat is called $cat now.</b></p>
If you want html and interpolation, then you're looking for:
HTML("<p><b>Well done, your cat is called $cat now.</b></p>")
Yeah, something to that effect in the readme would be worth adding. In addition probably worth noting other places where interpolation can't work:
julia> using CommonMark
julia> a = cm"""
$(1 + 2)
│ $(1 + 2)
julia> using Markdown
julia> b = md"""
$(1 + 2)
$(1 + 2)
Luckily Markdown
also fails there...
If you want html and interpolation, then you're looking for:
Or just parsing the string with CommonMark
after it's interpolated using
p = Parser()
p("<p>$(1 + 2)</p>")
+1 agree. Still fighting though for a 'give to Cesar what is Cesar's' in terms of using html utilities for html strings ;)