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code-cookbook copied to clipboard

Reusable code patterns which you can use as reference or copy to your project 👩‍💻👨‍🍳📖🥗

Results 7 code-cookbook issues
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Add to Jekyll section. Cover as sidebar and TOC. Sidebar can also go in HTML It's too many lines to go in a cheatsheet.

See the one in cheatsheets - maybe link to a central one as a gist or repo for Jekyll sites. ```mk # Simple makefile for compiling a program from # two C source files. .KEEP_STATE functions: main.o data.o cc -O -o functions main.o data.o main.o: main.c cc -O -c...

```html window.addEventListener("load", function() { window.cookieconsent.initialise({ "palette": { "popup": { "background": "#000" }, "button": { "background": "#cba477" } }, "showLink": false, "content": { "message": "This website uses cookies to analyze traffic...

Setup a Rails project without installing Rails globally. ```sh echo '# frozen_string_literal: true source "" gem "rails" ' > Gemfile ``` ```sh bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle bundle install...


It appears as two on mac Try as literal emoji instead of github emojis. See repo metadata and readmes

Hello, when running the github actions to deploy your page I receive a `github-pages 227 | Error: The fractal theme could not be found.` and the build with jekyll step...
