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A curated list of Additive Manufacturing literature, research papers, and presentations that are publicly available and related to Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Metal Binder Jetting processes.
Additive Manufacturing
A curated list of Additive Manufacturing literature, research papers, and presentations that are publicly available and related to Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Metal Binder Jetting processes.
Image Sources:
"Additive Manufacturing," by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (CC BY 2.0).
"A part made through additive manufacturing," by Penn State. (CC BY-NC 2.0).
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- Topology Optimization
- Process Parameters
- Heat Exchangers
- Rockets
- Qualification
- Machine Learning
- Binder Jetting
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- Additve Manufacturing Technologies, Gibson et al., Springer 2021.
- Laser Materials Processing, Steen and Mazumder, Springer 2010.
- Introduction to Additive Manufacturing, EPMA 2019.
- Additive Manufacturing Journal
Topology Optimization
- Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing as an Enabler for Light Weight Flight Hardware, Orme et al., Designs 2018.
- Designing for Additive Manufacturing: Lightweighting Through Topology Optimization Enables Lunar Spacecraft, Orme et al., ASME 2017.
- Application of Topology Optimization and Design for Additive Manufacturing Guidelines on an Automotive Component, Kantareddy et al., ASME 2016.
- Saving Weight with Metallic Lattice Structures: Design Challenges with a Real-World Example, Kantareddy et al., ASME 2016.
- (Re)Designing for Part Consolidation: Understanding the Challenges of Metal Additive Manufacturing, Schmelzle et al., ASME 2015.
Process Parameters
- A dimensionless number for predicting universal processing parameter boundaries in metal powder bed additive manufacturing, Rankouhi et al., Manufacturing Letters 2021.
- A multivariate meltpool stability criterion for fabrication of complex geometries in electron beam powder bed fusion, Breuning et al., Additive Manufacturing 2021.
- Effect of the scanning strategy on the formation of residual stresses in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V, Strantza et al., Additive Manufacturing 2021.
- Process Optimization and Microstructure Analysis to Understand Laser Powder Bed Fusion of 316L Stainless Steel, Vallejo et al, Metals 2021.
- Development of laser powder bed fusion and heat treatment parameters for additively manufactured Ni51.5Ti48.5 shape memory alloys, Fuller et al., Colorado School of Mines 2020.
- Critical role of scan strategies on the development of microstructure, texture, and residual stresses during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing, Nadammal et al., Additive Manufacturing 2020.
- Defect structure process maps for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing, Gordon et al., Additive Manufacturing 2020.
- Processing parameters in laser powder bed fusion metal additive manufacturing, Oliveira et al., Materials & Design 2020.
- An Open-Architecture Multi-Laser Research Platform for Acceleration of Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (ALSAM), Carter et al., SFF 2019.
- SLM 125 Single Track and Density Cube Characterization for 315L Stainless Steel, Gross et al., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2019.
- Additive manufacturing of metallic components – Process, structure and properties,Debroy et al., PMS 2018.
- Dimensionless numbers in additive manufacturing, Mukherjee et al., JAP 2017.
- Power–Velocity Process Design Charts for Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing, Clymer et al., ASME 2017.
Heat Exchangers
- Design, Modeling and Characterization of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Heat Exchangers with Additive Manufacturing, Peng et al., SFF 2019.
- Fabrication and Quality Assessment of Thin Fins Built Using Metal Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing, Dunbar et al., SFF 2017.
- A Review of Recent Advances in Additively Manufactured Heat Exchangers, Klein et al., IRAC 2017.
- Experimental comparison of a traditionally built versus additively manufactured aircraft heat exchanger, Saltzmann et al., AIAA 2017.
- Introduction of an additively manufactured multi-furcating heat exchanger, Gerstler,W. and Erno, D., IEEE 2017.
- Utilization of Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace Heat Exchangers, Gobetz et al., ONR 2016.
- End to end process evaluation for additively manufactured liquid rocket engine thrust chambers, Kerstens et al., AA 2021.
- Lightweight Thrust Chamber Assemblies using MultiAlloy Additive Manufacturing and Composite Overwrap, Gardl et al., AIAA 2020.
- Technology advancements for channel wall nozzle manufacturing in liquidrocket engines, Gradl et al., AA 2020.
- Introduction to Additive Manufacturing for Propulsion Systems, Gradl et al., AIAA 2019.
- Design and Additive Manufacturing Considerations for Liquid Rocket Engine Development, Patel et al., AIAA 2019.
- Additive Manufacturing of Liquid Rocket Engine Combustion Devices: A Summary of Process Developments and Hot-Fire Testing Results, Gradl et al., AIAA 2018.
- Liquid Rocket Engine Design for Additive Manufacturing, Fessl et al., IAC 2018.
- Design and Testing of Liquid Propellant Injectors for Additive Manufacturing, Soller et al., EUCASS 2017.
- Design and Analysis of a High-Performance Hydrogen Peroxide Thrust Chamber Assembly, Stechmann et al., AIAA 2014.
- Qualification pathways for additively manufactured components for nuclear applications, Hensley et al., JNM 2021.
- Toward a common laser powder bed fusion qualification test artifact, Taylor et al., Additive Manufacturing 2021.
- Metal powders in additive manufacturing: A review on reusability and recyclability of common titanium, nickel and aluminum alloys, Moghimian et al., Additive Manufacturing 2021.
- Recommended Guidance for Certification of AM Component, AIA 2020.
- Development and qualification of additively manufactured parts for space, James O'Brien, M., Optical Engineering 2019.
- Methodologies for Qualification of Additively Manufactured Aerospace Hardware, West et al., NASA 2019.
- A Holistic Process-Flow from Concept to Validation for Additive Manufacturing of Light-Weight, Optimized, Metallic Components Suitable for Space Flight, Orme et al., AIAA 2017.
- Development, Test, and Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Flight Critical Aircraft Components, Kasprzak et al., AHS International 2017.
Machine Learning
- A physics-informed machine learning model for porosity analysis in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing, Liu et al., IJAMT 2021.
- Machine learning integrated design for additive manufacturing, Jiang et al., JIM 2020.
- Laser-metal interaction dynamics during additive manufacturing resolved by detection of thermally-induced electron emission, DePond et al., Nature 2020.
- Machine‐Learning‐Based Monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Yuan et al., AMT 2018.
Binder Jetting
- Binder jet 3D printing—Process parameters, materials, properties, modeling, and challenges, Mostafaei et al., PMS 2021.
- Binder jetting of “Hard-to-Weld” high gamma prime nickel-based superalloy RENÉ 108, Martin et al., Additive Manufacturing 2021.
- Modeling of effect of powder spreading on green body dimensional accuracy in additive manufacturing by binder jetting, Maximenko et al., PT 2021.