Michael Conrad

Results 145 comments of Michael Conrad

When I have time to fix some issues with the CI pipeline. Trying to replace the old one with Github actions. But its a pain in the a...

@frg I'm already using 2.2 of the client. Minor version updates should be compatible. So you can always choose to manually use a newer version then what the CacheManager reference...

Good question, No, the meta data cannot be controlled right now. Certain features require certain meta data I cannot really make those optional. Yes the full type name is stored...

Actually, you could write your own serializer. All serializers care about the fields by implementing a serializer dependent CacheItem, e.g. for Json: https://github.com/MichaCo/CacheManager/blob/dev/src/CacheManager.Serialization.Json/JsonCacheItem.cs You could role your own and only...

Ok, no, for Redis it is right now fixed to a hash set, that's correct. That's primarily for performance reason. If you cache a string, int, bytes..., it is much...

You'd have to post/ask that in the Ocelot repository I think. I have no idea ;)

There is currently no locking mechanism on keys, no. So yeah, that's the expected behavior if you run multiple threads for the same key, you might get collisions. That being...

As long as you don't use distributed caching, it is relatively easy. You can cache `SemaphoreSlim`s per key. Lock on that and release and remove the semaphore afterwards. If you...

@bbqchickenrobot you can get the beta packages from [the myget feed](https://www.myget.org/gallery/cachemanager) and give it a try until I release it. I have to do more testing and maybe waiting for...

@maldworth You can use any other serializer wich supports .NET Core