Rocannon copied to clipboard
Vim for Ansible playbooks: omni-completion, abbreviations, syntax, folding, K-docs, and colorscheme
Rocannon: Operator of the Ansible
Command the Ansible, Relish the Rainbow. Never visit the Ansible docs again.
Ansible is a unique DSL with semantics way beyond an editor’s simple built-in YAML treatment. Thus, Ansible files need a totally different type of syntax highlighting — and of course completion of actions and their args.
- Completion system that’s aware of all ansible modules/actions and their
args, and even the unique
values - Syntax for semantics of Ansible, way beyond vanilla YAML
- A 256-color scheme to make use of the extended syntax
- Local, comprehensive documentation system that mirrors online docs (use
) - Folding regions to collapse task blocks into simple, readable lists
- Simple skeleton for new
files - “Bouncing” between related roles files
- Execution of individual plays (via implicit tags and
(This is a somewhat simplistic Vim implementation, but mostly works if you stick to Ansible best practices
- Vanilla YAML file with default highlighting
- Change the filetype to ansible (can be done in other ways)
- Reopen file to reflect filetype
- Notice the folding
- Create a new "stat" play to not install pbzip2 otherwise
- Notice the completion of action and arg (other args also completable)
- Pull up documentation for
Here I’m using Vundle (but Pathogen should also work):
% vim ~/.vimrc " add line inside vundle block
Plugin 'MicahElliott/Rocannon'
Then install it with Vundle.
% vim +PluginInstall +qa
I recommend the above, but — just for fun — you could even use Ansible to get
it! (This also assumes Vundle is managing your ~/.vim/bundle
area, and that
you’ve added the Plugin line above to your ~/.vimrc
% ansible localhost -m git -a 'repo= dest=~/.vim/bundle/Rocannon'
Rocannon should automatically detect a file with extension .yaml
(but not
) as an Ansible file type. If you want to be explicit, though, you could
add to the top (or bottom) of each Ansible YAML file:
# vim:ft=ansible:
Now open an Ansible file and your should notice that the filetype is “ansible”, and you’ll see some fancy colors, completions, etc:
% vim foo.yaml
(It would be really nice if Ansible supported a *.ans
file extension.)
Comprehensive Help
This README is just to get you started. Use the extensive vim help to learn the important details:
:help rocannon
Every Ansible module’s online documentation is also available via vim’s K
All known Ansible actions are omni-completed, and a short description is
shown. Actions also have abbreviations, so that when you type yum:
it will
complete to yum: name=
. There are also completions for each arg, so if you
type yum: name=zsh <C-x><C-o>
you will see a list of all possible args. Even
values are completed.
Syntax/Highlighting (colorscheme)
Yes, it’s very colorful. Although initially jarring, I find this quite helpful. The scheme is called rocannon. I recommend that you embrace this rainbow (though it can be turned off).
Plays can be folded into a single line containing just the name:
Jumping between files (like vim-rails)
Several files in a role often need to be bounced around between. Vim-Rails supports this nicely, bouncing between controllers, views, models, tests, etc. Rocannon should do the same between tasks, handlers, templates, files, and vars.
To its fullest
It’s helpful to have a terminal and font that fully support 256 colors, bold, underline, italic, etc. If you don't already have that covered, I recommend Urxvt and Orp-Font (if you like bitmapped).
Copyright © Micah Elliott. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See
:help license