ioBroker.smartcontrol copied to clipboard
ein Trigger schaltet zwei Zonen ein aber nur eine wieder aus
Hi, meine Freundin hat einen Fehler im Adapter gefunden. Wir benutzen die stabile Version 1.2.1 Sie hat zwei Zonen "1st floor hall Motion Day" und "1st floor hall Motion Ambiente" aktiviert durch einen Bewegungsmelder-Trigger "Motion.Treppe.0.oben" Dieser Trigger schaltet auch zuverlässig beide Zonen ein, allerdings nur eine aus.
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:53:52.167 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] Timer 'Motion', target(s) 'Flur.OG1.MotionAmbiente': - Turned off per 60s timer. |
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:52:52.121 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] Motion sensor 'Motion.Treppe.0.oben', zone '1st floor hall Motion Ambiente': No more motion, so we set 60s timer. |
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:52:52.085 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] Motion sensor 'Motion.Treppe.0.oben', zone '1st floor hall Motion Day': No more motion, so we set 60s timer. |
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:51:21.799 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] Zone '1st floor hall Motion Ambiente': Timer of 60s will be set to turn off once no more motion recognized. |
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:51:21.797 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] activated Zone '1st floor hall Motion Ambiente'. Turned on: Flur.OG1.MotionAmbiente. |
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:51:21.775 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] Zone '1st floor hall Motion Day': Timer of 60s will be set to turn off once no more motion recognized. |
smartcontrol.0 | 2021-02-08 16:51:21.773 | info | (21132) Trigger [Motion.Treppe.0.oben] activated Zone '1st floor hall Motion Day'. Turned on: Flur.OG1.MotionDay. |
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- Verify if there is not already an issue requesting the same
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Describe the bug
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To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '...'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior
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Screenshots & Log files
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