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Libusb wrapper for Asio
A libusb wrapper for Asio. Header-only, supports both standalone and boost versions of Asio. Requires a C++20 compiler (only tested on gcc-10). This is an early version, some features might not work as expected.
Using with standalone Asio
By default, boost version of Asio is used. To use standalone asio:
- When using as a conan package, add
-o usb_asio:asio=standalone
. - When using as a cmake subproject, add
- Otherwise, define
Find a device with a given VID and PID, and read some data from the bulk endpoint 3 at interface 1 with alt setting 2.
#include <usb_asio/usb_asio.hpp>
auto main() -> int {
auto ctx = asio::io_context{};
auto future = asio::co_spawn(
[&]() -> asio::awaitable<int> {
auto dev = usb_asio::usb_device{ctx};
for (auto const& dev_info : usb_asio::list_usb_devices(ctx))
auto const desc = dev_info.device_descriptor();
if (desc.idVendor == 0xABCDu && desc.idProduct == 0x1234u)
if (dev.is_open())
auto const interface_number = std::uint8_t{1};
// Claim the interface
auto interface = usb_asio::usb_interface{
dev, interface_number};
auto const alt_setting_number = std::uint8_t{2};
// Set interface alt setting
co_await interface.async_set_alt_setting(
alt_setting_number, asio::use_awaitable);
auto const endpoint_number = std::uint8_t{3};
auto const timeout = std::chrono::seconds{1};
auto transfer = usb_asio::usb_in_bulk_transfer{
dev, endpoint_number, timeout};
auto buff = std::array<char, 512>{};
// Read from the bulk endpoint
auto const n = co_await transfer.async_read_some(
asio::buffer(buff), asio::use_awaitable);
std::cout << std::string_view{, n} << "\n";
// Unclaim the interface (otherwise the destructor would
// do this synchronously, blocking the executor).
// If you do not care about resetting the interface,
// you can call interface.release() instead.
co_await interface.async_unclaim(asio::use_awaitable);
co_return EXIT_SUCCESS;
co_return EXIT_FAILURE;
return future.get();