miktex copied to clipboard
I have a tikz tex file
\draw[semithick,->] ([xshift=-10pt]-4, 0) -- ([xshift=10pt] 4, 0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[semithick,->] ([yshift=-1pt] 0, -10) -- ([yshift=10pt] 0, 40);
\draw[Firebrick1!80,thick] ([shift={(10pt,10pt)}] 0,40) -- ++(5mm,0) node[right] {\color{black} $y = p(x)$};
\draw[SteelBlue1,thick,dashed] ([shift={(10pt,0pt)}] 0,40) -- ++(5mm,0) node[right] {\color{black} $y = p'(x)/3$};
plot function{1.*x**4-13.*x**2+36.};
plot function{(4.*x**3-26.*x)/3.};
\foreach \i in {-4,-2,...,4} \draw (\i,3pt) -- (\i,-3pt)
node[below,inner sep=2,fill=white,fill opacity=.8,text opacity=1] {\scriptsize$\i$};
\foreach \i in {-4,-3,...,4} \draw (\i,2pt) -- (\i,-2pt);
\foreach \i in {-10,0,...,40} \draw (3pt,\i) -- (-3pt,\i)
node[left,inner sep=2,fill=white,fill opacity=.8,text opacity=1] {\scriptsize$\i$};
\foreach \i in {-5,5,...,35} \draw (-2pt,\i) -- (2pt,\i);
\draw node[above left] at (-1.47196,12.5278) {$W_1$}
node[above right] at (1.47196,12.5278) {$W_2$};
\filldraw (-1.47196,12.5278) circle(1pt) (1.47196,12.5278) circle(1pt);
In Overleaf, this file is compiled without any error nor warning:
However, when I use MikTeX to compile it on my laptop, I get
and two warnings:
Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `tikz.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 15.
Package pgf Warning: Plot data file `tikz.pgf-plot.table' not found. on input line 17.
My friend also encounters the same problem with MikTeX. Could you elaborate on this issue?