Miles Curry
Miles Curry
Hi @ekluzek. I've created a dataset for the mpasa60_mpasa60 mesh (163842 grid cells). You can find all of the files at: /glade/scratch/mcurry/cam-mpas-mapping-domain/mpasa60. As well, @jtruesdal has copied them into the...
Hi @ekluzek and @jtruesdal. Would my [mpas/grids]( be a better branch to use for making a PR? It contains the 480, 120, 30 and 15-3. I have another branch with...
The 60 km fails after the first dynamics timestep as a NaN gets into the `w` field. We've isolated the problem to a physics fields. We set all of the...
This can be assigned to me. I'll merge it into cam_mpas_dev and perhaps we can include with a future PR.