Miles Curry
Miles Curry
This project uses both Django, Celery and NetCDF4 Python: You are most likely not handling your environment correctly.
I also noticed this bug when applying a collection of patches to an axes: ``` Python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.collections as mplcollections from matplotlib.patches...
@koldunovn It appears so! Thanks for the information and the PR on this @greglucas.
@ekluzek, @jtruesdal I am a little confused with adding the mapping files as I'm seeing a different number for each grid (and a different number than what was created with...
> @MiCurry yes follow the 1x1_brazil example. We used to require mapping files for every grid/land-mask, but now only need a mapping files for the "nomask" mask for each grid....
@ekluzek I just pushed an update to the orginal 4 commits (force update) that adds the mapping files using the `` command. Each grid has only three entries. When comparing...
I believe I'm seeing a bug with the `mkmapdata` tool that is on my current branch. The relevant error I'm getting is: ``` rm: cannot remove 'PET*.Log': No such file...
@ekluzek I am leaving NCAR for a SE position outside of NCAR. @jtruesdal or @mgduda will be taking over this PR. Thus, I will close this PR so one of...
Lucky for y'all I just checked my GitHub notifications this week! @jtruesdal @ekluzek @mvertens I just added @jtruesdal to as a collaborator to my fork if he needs it. Michael...
@jtruesdal we do have a 240 km mesh: 240-km mesh (10242 horizontal grid cells). I wasn't sure to add that in the list as I wasn't sure if it was...