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😻 implementation for Vuejs and Vuex

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I have a problem with connection to my server, which located at localhost:8080 I got the error with followeing message: `Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:3000/' from origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been...

my code like this main.js ``` import VueSocketIO from '' import config from '@/config/index' Vue.use( new VueSocketIO({ debug: false, connection: config.API_URL + ':' + config.SOCKET_PORT }) ) ``` chat.vue ```...

server ``` const express = require('express') const app = express() const server = require('http').createServer(app) express.json() express.urlencoded({extended: true}) const io = require('')(server, { origins: ["http://localhost:3000"], handlePreflightRequest: (req, res) => { res.writeHead(200,...

When I'm using vuex style to register all listeners, reconnect event is not recognized. If I'm using pure `io.on` it works correct. My implementation: ```js import { io } from...

In node_modules/ there is a line as: `{t.prototype.$,t.prototype.$vueSocketIo=this,t.mixin(n)," plugin enabled")}` I just changed the line as: `{t.config.globalProperties.$,t.config.globalProperties.$vueSocketIo=this,t.mixin(n)," plugin enabled")}` Simply changed "t.prototype"'s to "t.config.globalProperties"'s, and it works but don't know...

Added multiple connections actionPrefix and mutationPrefix functions ```javascript import Vue from 'vue' import store from './store' import App from './App.vue' import VueSocketIO from '' const app = SocketIO('http://localhost:1090', { useConnectionNamespace:...

I need to connect 2 sockets at the same time, without using vuex, but I'm not getting it

Can i change name $socket to other name. This name is conflict with VueNativeSock

i have seen your code changing in discussion. while the lastest version -- "3.0.10" didn't include this change. could you build a new one include it. Thanks

- Refer to offical api doc: