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EMIT does not give emittances for stable longitudinal motion, but not perfectly closed orbit on the transverse planes
Trying to get the equilibrium emittance values for a lattice with not perfectly closed orbit on the transverse plane, but stable on the longitudinal plane. EMIT command only gives the first part of the output. RF is on and RADIATE=true
Is the stability on the transverse plane also a strict requirement?
enter Twiss module
iteration: 1 error: 2.117863E-06 deltap: 0.000000E+00
orbit: -2.578807E-12 -1.830524E-11 -1.723916E-09 9.911765E-12 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
iteration: 2 error: 3.622416E-11 deltap: 0.000000E+00
orbit: -7.294250E-16 5.289911E-15 -1.723916E-09 9.714199E-12 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
++++++ table: summ
length orbit5 alfa gammatr
91664.077703113041935 -0.000000000000000 0.000024034641014 203.976990610243263
q1 dq1 betxmax dxmax
222.299924347996011 -0.146652670493147 852.828849338432065 0.653963066236675
dxrms xcomax xcorms q2
0.363729596685342 0.000000000010572 0.000000000000609 222.293473943098689
dq2 betymax dymax dyrms
0.530947275745164 9291.379110106463486 0.005297580827427 0.000418325805295
ycomax ycorms deltap synch_1
0.000236676547942 0.000003763924493 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000
synch_2 synch_3 synch_4 synch_5
0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000
synch_6 synch_8 nflips dqmin
0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000006464935348
enter EMIT module
Global parameters for electrons, radiate = T:
C 91664.077703113041935 m f0 0.003270555549058 MHz
T0 305.758451431318235 musecs alfa 0.000023736858930
eta 0.000023736733353 gamma(tr) 205.252462209803610
Bcurrent 0.000127332186638 A/bunch Kbunch 10000
Npart 243000000000.000000000000000 /bunch Energy 45.600000002863162 GeV
gamma 89236.973975901826634 beta 0.999999999937212
dtbyds 0.000000000000000
Number of warnings: 0
+ MAD-X finished normally +