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.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework (revision 33 of the spec)
.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework (revision 33 of the spec). It features:
- AESGCM and ChaChaPoly ciphers
- Curve25519 Diffie-Hellman function
- SHA256, SHA512, BLAKE2s, and BLAKE2b hash functions
- Support for multiple pre-shared symmetric keys
- All known one-way and interactive patterns from the specification
- XXfallback handshake pattern
- Include the Noise namespace.
using Noise;
- Choose the handshake pattern and cryptographic functions.
var protocol = new Protocol(
- Start the handshake by instantiating the protocol with the necessary parameters.
// s is communicated out-of-band
// psk is a 32-byte pre-shared symmetric key
var initiator = protocol.Create(
initiator: true,
rs: rs,
psks: new byte[][] { psk }
var responder = protocol.Create(
initiator: false,
s: s,
psks: new byte[][] { psk }
- Send and receive messages.
(written, hash, transport) = state.WriteMessage(message, outputBuffer);
(read, hash, transport) = state.ReadMessage(received, inputBuffer);
written = transport.WriteMessage(message, outputBuffer);
read = transport.ReadMessage(received, inputBuffer);
See Noise.Examples for the complete example.
> dotnet add package Noise.NET --version 1.0.0