VideoIO copied to clipboard
Video artifacts and reduced video size after export
After exporting videos using VideoIO, I am experiencing artifacts on the video, even without applying any filters. Additionally, when using the same codecs (in my case, .hevc), the video size is reduced by half. I am looking for suggestions on how to improve the video quality
Thanks and sorry if this is an amateur beginner question.
var configuration = AssetExportSession.Configuration(
fileType: fileType,
videoSettings: .hevc(
videoSize: renderSize
audioSettings: .aac(
channels: 2,
sampleRate: 44100,
bitRate: 128 * 1000
configuration.videoComposition = nil
configuration.audioMix = audioMix
self.exportSession = try AssetExportSession(
asset: asset,
outputURL: outputURL,
configuration: configuration
Same problem. How can we increase the quality when importing?
@YuAo please help
Is this isolated to certain video formats? I'm using h264 and everything works just fine as far as I've noticed.
his isolated to certain vid Zach, post here your original and output videos then lets talk about them?