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FE-Filter and / or Mode for FE-User
Let the User pick what he would like to have. Should the Filter be AND or OR.
Can u give us a short usecase for this ?
@MacKP clearification on this one?
You can add AND filter rules and OR filter rules, where is the problem?
You can do it in the Backend thats right.. but not in the Frontend as an normal User of an Page. It would be nice, if the Frontend User can change it for ever rule he wanted. OK, it is possible with 2 Pages and 2 seperate Filter rules.. but in the long run it would be nice if an Frontend User can config it for every single Filter (like Color red AND blue / Color red OR blue) AND for the filter in between... (like Color red AND category chair / Color red OR category chair). I think it would be 'easy' to do it for all together change all to AND or all to OR. But i have no clue atm for changing it for everything by him selve... Changing it for one Filter should be similar to changing all...
Maybe we should make an diskusion in Mumble for that to make it clearer ;-)
I don't think so. I have never seen such a option on the big sites like amzone. So i want to drop this reqquest. By the way, the publisher of the page should choose how the "products" should be displayed.
I am currently also against this as I also do not know of any major site supporting something like this. I also have not the slightest clue how this should be done from an UI perspection. Do you want to add radio buttons for each and every filter control of how to apply the condition?
dürfte von der "Idee" her ähnlich wie #820 sein...
Eine denkbare Möglichkeit, die Sache im BE handhabbar zu gestalten, könnte eine weiterer Filterregel-Typ (Junction) sein, der alle "Nested-Regeln" bei bestimmten Kriterien ausführt.
In dem Beispiel mit den Farben und der Unterscheidung nach AND vs. OR könnte man auf den Wert des Radiobutton (z.B. "color_combine") lauschen [junction] wenn color_combine = and ...[AND] ......[Auswahl] Color 1 ......[Auswahl] Color 2 [junction] wenn color_combine = or ...[OR] ......[Auswahl] Color 1 ......[Auswahl] Color 2
Voraussetzung wird wahrscheinlich sein, dass man in das Filtertemplate eigene Eingaben einbauen kann (hier die Radiobuttons) und diese vom Filter mit in der "URL-Umwandlung" behandelt werden.