metamask-extension copied to clipboard
fix: e2e regression caused by a new onboarding toggle/modal
Related issues
Manual testing steps
- Go to this page...
Pre-merge author checklist
- [ ] I’ve followed MetaMask Coding Standards.
- [ ] I've completed the PR template to the best of my ability
- [ ] I’ve included tests if applicable
- [ ] I’ve documented my code using JSDoc format if applicable
- [ ] I’ve applied the right labels on the PR (see labeling guidelines). Not required for external contributors.
Pre-merge reviewer checklist
- [ ] I've manually tested the PR (e.g. pull and build branch, run the app, test code being changed).
- [ ] I confirm that this PR addresses all acceptance criteria described in the ticket it closes and includes the necessary testing evidence such as recordings and or screenshots.
CLA Signature Action: All authors have signed the CLA. You may need to manually re-run the blocking PR check if it doesn't pass in a few minutes.
Builds ready [06b6018]
- builds: chrome, firefox
- builds (beta): chrome
- builds (flask): chrome, firefox
- builds (MMI): chrome, firefox
- builds (test): chrome, firefox
- builds (test-flask): chrome, firefox
- build viz: Build System
- mv3: Background Module Init Stats
- mv3: UI Init Stats
- mv3: Module Load Stats
- mv3: Bundle Size Stats
- mv2: E2e Actions Stats
- code coverage: Report
- storybook: Storybook
- typescript migration: Dashboard
- all artifacts
Page Load Metrics (299 ± 335 ms)
Platform | Page | Metric | Min (ms) | Max (ms) | Average (ms) | StandardDeviation (ms) | MarginOfError (ms) |
Chrome | Home | firstPaint | 56 | 116 | 82 | 17 | 8 |
domContentLoaded | 8 | 49 | 16 | 11 | 5 | ||
load | 45 | 2502 | 299 | 697 | 335 | ||
domInteractive | 8 | 49 | 16 | 11 | 5 |
Bundle size diffs
- background: 0 Bytes (0.00%)
- ui: 0 Bytes (0.00%)
- common: 0 Bytes (0.00%)