MessageInputBar copied to clipboard
Can't make message input bar first responder?
I've tried calling: self.becomeFirstResponder() self.messageInputBar.becomeFirstResponder() self.messageInputBar.inputTextView.becomeFirstResponder()
From viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, and viewDidAppear and I still can't get the keyboard to open automatically for my view controller. For normal text views, calling becomeFirstResponder() should automatically focus them and present the keyboard. What gives? Is there a workaround?
Is the MessageInputBar visible? It's an input accessory view so the view controller needs to be the first responder to have the bar be presented
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Yes the bar is visible. I overrode input accessory view and returned the bar, and overrode can become first responder and returned true. Once the controller is presented I can tap on the text view to activate it, but I can’t automatically focus it.
You can call messageInputBar.inputTextView.becomeFirstResponder() from viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool).
what if bar is visible, I can type in it, but when send is pressed nothing happens
extension ViewController: MessageInputBarDelegate { func messageInputBar( _ inputBar: MessageInputBar, didPressSendButtonWith text: String) { print("ldldldld") let newMessage = Message( member: member, text: text, messageId: UUID().uuidString)
inputBar.inputTextView.text = ""
messagesCollectionView.scrollToBottom(animated: true)
Seems like this does the trick on latest:
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {