Discord-S.C.U.M icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Discord-S.C.U.M copied to clipboard

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'discum.utils'; 'discum' is not a package

Open bachaun opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments


bachaun avatar Sep 04 '22 13:09 bachaun

i already installed discum multiple times without failure

bachaun avatar Sep 04 '22 13:09 bachaun

Can you show your code?

Varin6 avatar Sep 04 '22 13:09 Varin6

-- coding: utf-8 --

import discum import re import asyncio import json import time import logging import threading from os.path import join as pathjoin from discum.utils.slash import SlashCommander from discum.utils.button import Buttoner from collections import OrderedDict

class CacheDict(OrderedDict): def init(self, *args, **kwds): self.max = kwds.pop("max", None) OrderedDict.init(self, *args, **kwds) self._check_size_limit()

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
    OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value)

def _check_size_limit(self):
    if self.max is not None:
        while len(self) > self.max:

msg_buf = CacheDict(max=50)

jsonf = open("Settings_Mudae.json") settings = json.load(jsonf) jsonf.close()

bot = discum.Client(token=settings["token"],log={"console":False, "file":False}) mudae = 432610292342587392

with open("cmds.txt","r") as f: mudae_cmds = [line.rstrip() for line in f] mhids = [int(mh) for mh in settings["channel_ids"]] shids = [int(sh) for sh in settings["slash_ids"]] ghids = [int(gh) for gh in settings["slash_guild_ids"]] channel_settings = dict()

series_list = settings["series_list"] chars = [charsv.lower() for charsv in settings["namelist"]] kak_min = settings["min_kak"] roll_prefix = settings["roll_this"] sniping = settings.get("sniping_enabled",True)

ready = bot.gateway.READY

mention_finder = re.compile(r'<@(?:!)?(\d+)>') pagination_finder = re.compile(r'\d+ / \d+')

kak_finder = re.compile(r'**??([0-9]+)**<:kakera:469835869059153940>') like_finder = re.compile(r'Likes: #??([0-9]+)') claim_finder = re.compile(r'Claims: #??([0-9]+)') poke_finder = re.compile(r'**(?:([0-9+])h )?([0-9]+)** min') wait_finder = re.compile(r'**(?:([0-9+])h )?([0-9]+)** min \w') waitk_finder = re.compile(r'**(?:([0-9+])h )?([0-9]+)** min') ser_finder = re.compile(r'.*.')

KakeraVari = [kakerav.lower() for kakerav in settings["emoji_list"]] #soulLink = ["kakeraR","KakeraO"] eventlist = ["🕯️","😆"]

#Last min Claims is_last_enable = True if settings["Last_True"].lower().strip() == "true" else False last_claim_window = settings["last_claim_min"] min_kak_last = settings["min_kak_last_min"]

kakera_wall = {} waifu_wall = {}

#logging settings logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(message)s') stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(stream_handler)

def get_kak(text): k_value = kak_finder.findall(text) like_value = like_finder.findall(text) claim_value=claim_finder.findall(text) if len(k_value): return k_value[0] elif len(like_value) or len(claim_value): LR = 0 CR = 0 CA= 1 if(len(like_value)): LR = like_value[0] if(len(claim_value)): CR = claim_value[0] pkak = (int(LR) + int(CR)) /2 multi = 1 + (CA/5500) return((25000 *(pkak+70)**-.75+20)*multi+.5)
return 0

def get_wait(text): waits = wait_finder.findall(text) if len(waits): hours = int(waits[0][0]) if waits[0][0] != '' else 0 return (hours*60+int(waits[0][1]))*60 return 0

def get_pwait(text): waits = poke_finder.findall(text) if len(waits): hours = int(waits[0][0]) if waits[0][0] != '' else 0 return (hours*60+int(waits[0][1]))*60 return 0 def get_serial(text): serk = ser_finder.findall(text) return serk[0]

_resp = dict() def wait_for(bot, predicate, timeout=None): ev = threading.Event() ident = threading.get_ident() def evt_check(resp): if predicate(resp): _resp[ident] = resp.parsed.auto() ev.set() bot.gateway._after_message_hooks.insert(0,evt_check) ev.wait(timeout) bot.gateway.removeCommand(evt_check) obj = _resp.pop(ident,None)

return obj

def mudae_warning(tide,StartwithUser=True): # build check func def c(r): if r.event.message: r = r.parsed.auto() # must be from relevant channel id, and start with username if StartwithUser == True: return r['author']['id'] == str(mudae) and r['channel_id'] == tide and r['content'].startswith(f"**{bot.gateway.session.user['username']}") elif StartwithUser == False: return r['author']['id'] == str(mudae) and r['channel_id'] == tide return False return c

def get_server_settings(guild_id,channel_id): try: #with open(f"channeldata\{channel_id}.txt","r") as textsettings: with open(pathjoin('channeldata',f'{channel_id}.txt'),'r') as textsettings: print(f"Reading from File for channel {channel_id}") return textsettings.read() except IOError: print(f"File Not Found using Different Method")

msgs = bot.searchMessages(guild_id,authorID=[mudae],textSearch="($togglehentai)",limit = 5)
Rmsgs = bot.filterSearchResults(msgs)
for group in Rmsgs:
    if group['content'].startswith("🛠️"):
        print(f"Using $settings found during search for channel {channel_id}")
        abcdef = group['content'].replace("🛠️","_").replace("⭐","_")
        #pres_data = open(f"channeldata\\{channel_id}.txt","w+")
        pres_data = open(pathjoin('channeldata',f'{channel_id}.txt'),'w+')
        return group['content']
# msgs = bot.searchMessages(guild_id,userID=[mudae],textSearch="($togglehentai)").json()['messages']
# for group in msgs:
    # for result in group:
        # if 'hit' in result:
            # if result['content'].startswith("🛠️"):
                # print(result)
                # return result['content']

# no setting found
# so send settings request, and hope they have default prefix.
FsMsgs = bot.searchMessages(guild_id,channelID=[channel_id],authorID=[bot.gateway.session.user['id']],textSearch=roll_prefix,limit=2)
FsResults = bot.filterSearchResults(FsMsgs)
for group in FsResults:
    if group['content'].endswith(roll_prefix):
        settings_hope_prefix = group['content'].split(roll_prefix)[0]
print(f"Default $settings used for channel {channel_id}")
default_settings_if_no_settings = f"""🛠️ __**Server Settings**__ 🛠️
             (Server not premium)

            · Prefix: **{settings_hope_prefix}** ($prefix)
            · Lang: **en** ($lang)
            · Claim reset: every **180** min. ($setclaim)
            · Exact minute of the reset: xx:**56** ($setinterval)
            · Reset shifted: by +**0** min. ($shifthour)
            · Rolls per hour: **10** ($setrolls)
            · Time before the claim reaction expires: **30** sec. ($settimer)
            · Spawn rarity multiplicator for already claimed characters: **2** ($setrare)
            · Server game mode: **1** ($gamemode)
            · This channel instance: **1** ($channelinstance)
            · Slash commands: enabled ($toggleslash)

            · Ranking: enabled ($toggleclaimrank/$togglelikerank)
            · Ranks displayed during rolls: claims and likes ($togglerolls)
            · Hentai series: enabled ($togglehentai)
            · Disturbing imagery series: enabled ($toggledisturbing)
            · Rolls sniping: **2** ($togglesnipe) => **{settings['claim_delay']}** sec.
            · Kakera sniping: **1** ($togglekakerasnipe) => **{settings['kak_delay']}** sec.
            · Limit of characters per harem: **8100** ($haremlimit)
            · Custom reactions: yes ($claimreact list)

            · Kakera trading: **disabled** ($togglekakeratrade)
            · Kakera calculation: claims and likes ranks (and number of claimed characters) ($togglekakeraclaim/$togglekakeralike)
            · Kakera value displayed during rolls: enabled ($togglekakerarolls)
            · $kakeraloot wishprotect: enabled ($togglewishprotect)"""            
return default_settings_if_no_settings

def parse_settings_message(message): if message == None: return None val_parse = re.compile(r'**(\S+)**').findall num_parse = re.compile(r'(\d+)').findall num_parsedec = re.compile(r'(\d*[.,]?\d+)').findall

settings_p = re.findall(r'\w+: (.*)',message)
settings = dict()

settings['prefix'] = val_parse(settings_p[0])[0]
settings['prefix_len'] = len(settings['prefix'])
settings['claim_reset'] = int(num_parse(settings_p[2])[0]) # in minutes
settings['reset_min'] = int(num_parse(settings_p[3])[0])
settings['shift'] = int(num_parse(settings_p[4])[0])
settings['max_rolls'] = int(num_parse(settings_p[5])[0])
settings['expiry'] = float(num_parse(settings_p[6])[0])
settings['claim_snipe'] = [float(v) for v in num_parsedec(settings_p[15])]
settings['kak_snipe'] = [float(v) for v in num_parsedec(settings_p[16])]

settings['claim_snipe'][0] = int(settings['claim_snipe'][0])
# pad out claim/kak snipe for default '0 second cooldown'
if len(settings['claim_snipe']) < 2:
    settings['claim_snipe'] += [0.0]
if len(settings['kak_snipe']) < 2:
    settings['kak_snipe'] += [0.0]
settings['claim_snipe'][0] = int(settings['claim_snipe'][0])
settings['kak_snipe'][0] = int(settings['kak_snipe'][0])

settings['pending'] = None
settings['rolls'] = 0

return settings

def get_snipe_time(channel,rolled,message): # Returns delay for when you are able to snipe a given roll r,d = channel_settings[channel]['claim_snipe'] if r == 0: # Anarchy FTW! return 0.0

global user
is_roller = (rolled == user['id'])
if (r < 4 or r == 5) and is_roller:
    # Roller can insta-snipe
    return 0.0
if r == 2 and not is_roller:
    # Not the roller.
    return d

wished_for = mention_finder.findall(message)

# Wish-based rules
if not len(wished_for):
    # Not a WISHED character
    if r > 4:
        # Combined restriction, roller still gets first dibs
        return 0.0 if is_roller else d
    return 0.0

if r > 2 and user['id'] in wished_for:
    # Wishers can insta-snipe
    return 0.0

if r == 1 and rolled not in wished_for:
    # Roller (who is not us) did not wish for char, so can insta-snipe
    return 0.0

return d

def next_claim(channel): channel = int(channel) offset = (120-(channel_settings[channel]['shift']+channel_settings[channel]['reset_min']))*60

reset_period = channel_settings[channel]['claim_reset']*60
t = time.time()+offset
last_reset = (t%86400)%reset_period
reset_at = reset_period-last_reset+time.time()

return (int(t/reset_period),reset_at) # claim window id, timestamp of reset

def next_reset(channel): # Returns timestamp of next reset channel = int(channel) offset = channel_settings[channel]['reset_min']*60 t = time.time() return t+(3600-((t-offset)%3600))

def poke_roll(tide): logger.debug(f"Pokemon Rolling Started in channel {tide}. (If you would like this in a different channel, please configure the desired channel ID as the first in your list)") tides = str(tide) if tide not in channel_settings: logger.error(f"Could not find channel {tide}, will not roll poke") return c_settings = channel_settings[tide] pwait = 0 while True: while pwait == 0: time.sleep(2) bot.sendMessage(tides,c_settings['prefix']+"p") pwait = 26060 # sleep for 2 hours print(f"{pwait} : pokerolling : {tide}") time.sleep(pwait) pwait = 0

def waifu_roll(tide,slashed,slashguild): global user if slashed == None: logger.debug(f"waifu rolling Started in channel {tide}") else: logger.debug(f"Slashed rolling Started in channel {tide}")

tides = str(tide)
waifuwait = 0

if tide not in channel_settings:
    logger.error(f"Could not find channel {tide}, skipping waifu roll on this channel.")

c_settings = channel_settings[tide]
roll_cmd = c_settings['prefix'] + roll_prefix

warned_overroll = False
while True:
    wait_for_quiet = wait_for(bot,mudae_warning(tides,False),timeout=10)
    if wait_for_quiet != None:
        # don't do stuff

    c_settings['rolls'] = 0
    rolls_left = -1
    while waifuwait == False:
        if slashed != None:
            bot.triggerSlashCommand(str(mudae), channelID=tides, guildID=slashguild, data=slashed)
        rolls_left = rolls_left-1
        varwait = wait_for(bot,mudae_warning(tides,False),timeout=5)
        if varwait != None and varwait['content'].startswith(f"**{bot.gateway.session.user['username']}") and "$ku" not in varwait['content']:
            # We over-rolled.
            waifuwait = True
            if c_settings['rolls'] > 2 and not warned_overroll:
                # We overrolled when we shouldn't have. Warn the user they can prevent this
                warned_overroll = True
                logger.warning("Please enable $rollsleft 0 feature to prevent overrolling")
        elif varwait != None and rolls_left < 0:
            # Check if our roll featured a warning
            total_text = varwait.get('content','') # $rollsleft 2
            if len(varwait['embeds']):
                total_text += varwait['embeds'][0].get('footer',{}).get('text','') # $rollsleft 0 (default)
                total_text += varwait['embeds'][0].get('description','') # $rollsleft 1
            # Check if it's our roll
            our_roll = msg_buf.get(varwait['id'],{}).get('rolled',None)
            p = c_settings['pending']
            if our_roll == None and p:
                # on_message may have not seen our roll, so we should manually check if it was our roll
                our_roll = p == bot.gateway.session.user['id']
            if our_roll and "\u26a0\ufe0f 2 ROLLS " in total_text:
                # Has warning for us
                rolls_left = 2
        if rolls_left == 0:
            # Ran out of rolls
            waifuwait = True
    print(f"{waifuwait}: Waifu rolling : {tide}")
    waifuwait = False

def snipe(recv_time,snipe_delay): if snipe_delay != 0.0: try: time.sleep((recv_time+snipe_delay)-time.time()) except ValueError: # sleep was negative, so we're overdue! return time.sleep(.5)

def snipe_intent(messagechunk,mreacter,buttonspres): if "reactions" in mreacter: if mreacter["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] == None: bot.addReaction(messagechunk["channel_id"], messagechunk["id"], mreacter["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"]) elif mreacter["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] != None and "kakera" not in mreacter["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"]: cust_emoji_send = mreacter["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"] + ":" + mreacter["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] bot.addReaction(messagechunk['channel_id'], messagechunk['id'], cust_emoji_send) elif buttonspres.components != [] : buttMojis = buttonspres.components[0]["components"][0]["emoji"]["name"] if "kakera" not in buttMojis: bot.click( messagechunk['author']['id'], channelID=messagechunk["channel_id"], guildID=messagechunk.get("guild_id"), messageID=messagechunk["id"], messageFlags=messagechunk["flags"], data=buttonspres.getButton(emojiName=buttMojis), )
else: bot.addReaction(messagechunk['channel_id'], messagechunk['id'], "❤")

def is_rolled_char(m): embeds = m.get('embeds',[]) if len(embeds) != 1 or "image" not in embeds[0] or "author" not in embeds[0] or list(embeds[0]["author"].keys()) != ['name']: # not a marry roll. return False elif 'footer' in embeds[0] and 'text' in embeds[0]['footer'] and pagination_finder.findall(embeds[0]['footer']['text']): # Has pagination e.g. "1 / 29", which does not occur when rolling return False return True

@bot.gateway.command def on_message(resp): global user recv = time.time() if resp.event.message: m = resp.parsed.auto() #print(m) aId = m['author']['id'] content = m['content'] embeds = m['embeds'] messageid = m['id'] channelid = m['channel_id']

    guildid = m['guild_id'] if 'guild_id' in m else None
    butts = Buttoner(m["components"])
    # if butts.components != [] :
        # buttMoji = butts.components[0]["components"][0]["emoji"]["name"]
        # bot.click(
        # aId,
        # channelID=m["channel_id"],
        # guildID=m.get("guild_id"),
        # messageID=m["id"],
        # messageFlags=m["flags"],
        # data=butts.getButton(emojiName=buttMoji),
        # )
    if int(channelid) not in mhids:
        # Not a channel we work in.
    if int(channelid) not in channel_settings:
        logger.error(f"Could not find settings for {channelid}, please trigger the '$settings' command in the server and run the bot again.")
    c_settings = channel_settings[int(channelid)]

    if c_settings['pending'] == None and int(aId) != mudae and content[0:c_settings['prefix_len']] == c_settings['prefix'] and content.split(' ')[0][c_settings['prefix_len']:] in mudae_cmds:
        # Note rolls as they happen so we know who rolled what
        c_settings['pending'] = aId
    elif int(aId) == mudae:
        if "interaction" in m:
            # Mudae triggered via slash command
            roller = m['interaction']['user']['id']
            roller = c_settings['pending']
        c_settings['pending'] = None
        # Validate this is a rolled character.
        if not is_rolled_char(m):
            # Might be claim timer
            if m['content'].startswith('<@' + user['id'] + '>') or m['content'].startswith('<@!' + user['id'] + '>'):
                # get claim time
                if get_pwait(m['content']):
                    waifu_wall[channelid] = next_claim(channelid)[0]
        msg_buf[messageid] = {'claimed':int(embeds[0].get('color',0)) not in (16751916,1360437),'rolled':roller == user['id']}
        print(f"Our user rolled in {channelid}" if roller == user['id'] else f"Someone else rolled in {channelid}")
        if msg_buf[messageid]['claimed']:
        if(not sniping and roller != user['id']):
            # Sniping disabled by user
        if roller == user['id']:
            # confirmed user roll
            c_settings['rolls'] += 1
        if waifu_wall.get(channelid,0) != next_claim(channelid)[0]:
            snipe_delay = get_snipe_time(int(channelid),roller,content)
            charpop = m['embeds'][0]
            charname = charpop["author"]["name"]
            chardes = charpop["description"]
            charcolor = int(charpop['color'])

            if str(user['id']) in content:
                logger.info(f"Wished {charname} from {get_serial(chardes)} with {get_kak(chardes)} Value in Server id:{guildid}")
                if msg_buf[messageid]['claimed']:
                m_reacts = bot.getMessage(channelid, messageid).json()[0]
                # if "reactions" in m_reacts:
                    # if m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] == None:
                        # bot.addReaction(channelid, messageid, m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"])
                    # elif m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] != None and "kakera" not in m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"]:
                        # cust_emoji_sen = m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"] + ":" + m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id']
                        # bot.addReaction(channelid, messageid, cust_emoji_sen)
                # elif butts.components != [] :
                    # buttMoji = butts.components[0]["components"][0]["emoji"]["name"]
                    # if "kakera" not in buttMoji:
                        # bot.click(
                                    # aId,
                                    # channelID=m["channel_id"],
                                    # guildID=m.get("guild_id"),
                                    # messageID=m["id"],
                                    # messageFlags=m["flags"],
                                    # data=butts.getButton(emojiName=buttMoji),
                                    # )  
                # else:
                    # bot.addReaction(channelid, messageid, "❤")
            if charname.lower() in chars:
                logger.info(f"{charname} appeared attempting to Snipe Server id:{guildid}")
                if msg_buf[messageid]['claimed']:
                m_reacts = bot.getMessage(channelid, messageid).json()[0]
            for ser in series_list:
                if ser in chardes and charcolor == 16751916:
                    logger.info(f"{charname} from {ser} appeared attempting to snipe in {guildid}")
                    if msg_buf[messageid]['claimed']:
                    m_reacts = bot.getMessage(channelid, messageid).json()[0]
                    if "reactions" in m_reacts:
                        if m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] == None:
                            bot.addReaction(channelid, messageid, m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"])
                        elif m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id'] != None and "kakera" not in m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"]:
                            cust_emoji_sen = m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]["name"] + ":" + m_reacts["reactions"][0]["emoji"]['id']
                            bot.addReaction(channelid, messageid, cust_emoji_sen)
                    elif butts.components != [] :
                        buttMoji = butts.components[0]["components"][0]["emoji"]["name"]
                        if "kakera" not in buttMoji:
                        bot.addReaction(channelid, messageid, "❤")

            if "<:kakera:469835869059153940>" in chardes or "Claims:" in chardes or "Likes:" in chardes:
                #det_time = time.time()
                kak_value = get_kak(chardes)
                if int(kak_value) >= kak_min and charcolor == 16751916:
                    logger.info(f"{charname} with a {kak_value} Kakera Value appeared Server:{guildid}")
                    if msg_buf[messageid]['claimed']:
                    m_reacts = bot.getMessage(channelid, messageid).json()[0]
                    #print(f"took this much {time.time() - det_time}")
            if is_last_enable and next_claim(channelid)[1] - time.time() < (60 * last_claim_window):
                if "<:kakera:469835869059153940>" in chardes or "Claims:" in chardes or "Likes:" in chardes:
                    #det_time = time.time()
                    print(f"Last Minute Claim was attempted")
                    kak_value = get_kak(chardes)
                    if int(kak_value) >= min_kak_last and charcolor == 16751916:
                        logger.info(f"{charname} with a {kak_value} Kakera Value appeared Server:{guildid}")
                        if msg_buf[messageid]['claimed']:
                        m_reacts = bot.getMessage(channelid, messageid).json()[0]
                        #print(f"took this much {time.time() - det_time}")
            if str(user['id']) not in content and charname.lower() not in chars and get_serial(chardes) not in series_list and int(get_kak(chardes)) < kak_min:
                logger.debug(f"Ignoring {charname} from {get_serial(chardes)} with {get_kak(chardes)} Kakera Value in Server id:{guildid}")
if resp.event.message_updated:
    # Handle claims
    r = resp.parsed.auto()
    rchannelid = r["channel_id"]
    rmessageid = r["id"]
    #embeds = r['embeds']
    embeds = r.get('embeds',[])

    if int(rchannelid) not in mhids:
        if r['author']['id'] == str(mudae):
            if not is_rolled_char(r):
            embed = embeds[0]
            f = embed.get('footer')
            if f and bot.gateway.session.user['username'] in f['text']:
                # Successful claim, mark waifu claim window as used
                waifu_wall[rchannelid] = next_claim(rchannelid)[0]
            elif int(embed['color']) == 6753288:
                # Someone else has just claimed this, mark as such
                msg_buf[rmessageid]['claimed'] = True
    except KeyError:

if resp.event.reaction_added:
    r = resp.parsed.auto()
    reactionid = int(r['user_id'])
    rchannelid = r["channel_id"]
    rmessageid = r["message_id"]
    rguildid = r["guild_id"]
    emoji = r["emoji"]["name"]
    emojiid = r["emoji"]['id']

    if int(rchannelid) not in mhids:
        # Not a channel we work in.
    if int(rchannelid) not in channel_settings:
        logger.error(f"Could not find settings for {rchannelid}, please trigger the '$settings' command in the server and run the bot again.")
    if reactionid == int(user['id']) and int(rchannelid) in mhids:
        logger.info(f"Sniping time waited Reaction was added")

    snipe_delay = channel_settings[int(rchannelid)]['kak_snipe'][1]
    if reactionid == mudae and int(rchannelid) in mhids:
        if emojiid != None and emoji == "kakeraP" and (snipe_delay == 0 or msg_buf[rmessageid]['rolled']):
            sendEmoji = emoji + ":" +emojiid
            react_m = bot.getMessage(rchannelid, rmessageid).json()[0]['embeds'][0]
        if emojiid != None and emoji.lower() in KakeraVari:
            sendEmoji = emoji + ":" +emojiid
            react_m = bot.getMessage(rchannelid, rmessageid).json()[0]['embeds'][0]
            cooldown = kakera_wall.get(rguildid,0) - time.time()
            if cooldown <= 1:
                logger.info(f"{emoji} was detected on {react_m['author']['name']}:{get_serial(react_m['description'])} in Server: {rguildid}")
                logger.info(f"Skipped {emoji} found on {react_m['author']['name']}:{get_serial(react_m['description'])} in Server: {rguildid}")

            warn_check = mudae_warning(rchannelid)
            kakerawallwait = wait_for(bot,lambda r: warn_check(r) and 'kakera' in r.parsed.auto()['content'],timeout=5)

            if kakerawallwait != None:
                time_to_wait = waitk_finder.findall(kakerawallwait['content'])
                time_to_wait = []
            if len(time_to_wait):
                timegetter = (int(time_to_wait[0][0] or "0")*60+int(time_to_wait[0][1] or "0"))*60
                print(f"{timegetter} for kakera_wall was set for Server : {rguildid}")
                kakera_wall[rguildid] = timegetter + time.time()
        # if emojiid != None and emoji.lower() in soulLink:
            # react_m = bot.getMessage(rchannelid, rmessageid).json()[0]['embeds'][0]
            # fake = react_m.get('footer')
            # if fake and bot.gateway.session.user['username'] in fake['text'] and "<:chaoskey:690110264166842421>" in react_m['description']:
                # sendEmoji = emoji + ":" +emojiid
                # cooldown = kakera_wall.get(rguildid,0) - time.time()
                # if cooldown <= 1:
                    # logger.info(f"{emoji} was detected on {react_m['author']['name']}:{get_serial(react_m['description'])} in Server: {rguildid}")
                    # time.sleep(snipe_delay)
                    # bot.addReaction(rchannelid,rmessageid,sendEmoji)
                # else:
                    # logger.info(f"Skipped {emoji} found on {react_m['author']['name']}:{get_serial(react_m['description'])} in Server: {rguildid}")
                    # return 

                # warn_check = mudae_warning(rchannelid)
                # kakerawallwait = wait_for(bot,lambda r: warn_check(r) and 'kakera' in r.parsed.auto()['content'],timeout=5)

                # if kakerawallwait != None:
                    # time_to_wait = waitk_finder.findall(kakerawallwait['content'])
                # else:
                    # time_to_wait = []
                # if len(time_to_wait):
                    # timegetter = (int(time_to_wait[0][0] or "0")*60+int(time_to_wait[0][1] or "0"))*60
                    # print(f"{timegetter} for kakera_wall was set for Server : {rguildid}")
                    # kakera_wall[rguildid] = timegetter + time.time()
        if emojiid == None:
            if emoji in eventlist:
                print(f"{emoji} was detected in Server: {rguildid}")

if resp.event.guild_application_commands_updated:
    slashCmds = resp.parsed.auto()['application_commands']
    s = SlashCommander(slashCmds, application_id=str(mudae))
    for sli in range(len(s.commands.get("options"))):
        if s.commands.get("options")[sli].get("name") == roll_prefix:
            slashget = s.commands.get("options")[sli]
    #slashget = s.get(["wa"])
    if settings['slash_rolling'].lower().strip() == "true":
        for xchg in range(len(shids)):
            slashchannel = shids[xchg]
            slashguild = ghids[xchg]
            slashfus = threading.Timer(10.0,waifu_roll,args=[slashchannel,slashget,slashguild])
global ready

if resp.event.ready_supplemental and not ready:
    ready = bot.gateway.READY
    user = bot.gateway.session.user
    bot.gateway.request.searchSlashCommands(str(ghids[0]), limit=100, command_ids=[])
    guilds = bot.gateway.session.settings_ready['guilds']
    chs = set(str(mhid) for mhid in mhids)
    for gid, guild in guilds.items():
        for matched_channel in (set(guild['channels'].keys()) & chs):
            # Find associated guild ID to a monitored channel, then get settings
            msg = get_server_settings(gid,matched_channel)
            c_settings = parse_settings_message(msg)
            channel_settings[int(matched_channel)] = c_settings
    if settings['pkmrolling'].lower().strip() == "true":
        p = threading.Thread(target=poke_roll,args=[mhids[0]])
    if settings['rolling'].lower().strip() == "true":
        for chid in mhids:
            waifus = threading.Timer(10.0,waifu_roll,args=[chid,None,None])

def empty(*args,**kwargs): return

#bot.sendMessage = empty


bachaun avatar Sep 04 '22 13:09 bachaun

Did you install discum with pip?

NeutronBlast avatar Sep 09 '22 15:09 NeutronBlast

i think so, but i don't know how to install it without it

bachaun avatar Sep 09 '22 18:09 bachaun


pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/Merubokkusu/Discord-S.C.U.M.git#egg=discum

NeutronBlast avatar Sep 10 '22 00:09 NeutronBlast