vscode-mermaid-preview copied to clipboard
Preview zoom/scroll issues
Expected behaviour
Loading a decent diagram requires zooming/scrolling, which is definitely broken at least in my fresh install of VSCode and this extension.
Expected to use zoom with scrolling mouse/touchpad and to use scroll with dragging diagram using left mouse/tohchpad button.
participant User
participant App as Mobile App
participant Browser
participant Backend as Mobile Backend
participant Landing as Landing Web-server
participant API as Service API
participant SSO
User->>+Browser: Open URL to Landing
Browser->>+Landing: Get Landing
Landing-->>-Browser: Load Landing SPA JS
Browser->>Browser: Run Landing JS and get token from URL fragment
Browser->>+SSO: Get certs
SSO-->>-Browser: Certs
Browser->>Browser: Validate JWT and get MSISDN/subscriberId
note over Browser: To not overcomplicate the diagram <br/>assuming JWT is valid and MSISDN <br/>or subscriberId is found
Browser->>+SSO: Request own JWT with scope of invitation API and grant_type=token with intermediary JWT
alt successful case
SSO-->>Browser: Issue new token for invitation API
Browser->>SSO: Invalidate Intermediary JWT
SSO->>SSO: Invalidates JWT
SSO-->>-Browser: JWT Invalidated
Browser->>+API: Get invitations w/Authorization: Bearer <JWT>
API->>API: Validate JWT
alt successful case
API-->>-Browser: Reply as in specification
Browser-->>-User: Show loaded page w/invitations
else not valid JWT
activate API
API-->>-Browser: Unauthenticated
note over Browser: tries Token refresh
else any checks on SSO side fail (IP changed/token invalid/so on)
activate SSO
activate Browser
SSO-->>-Browser: Access denied
Browser-->>-User: SPA shows a message asking user to log in to MLK
Actual behaviour
Zoom works while scrolling up/down while mouse pointer placed on a diagram, scroll works while mouse pointer placed not on a diagram. Dragging the diagram is actually impossible due to diagram begins shaking and moving out of view.
Mermaid does not have builtin zoom functionality. It might have changed, but last time I've checked most diagrams render to fill the view. Not a bit problem in the browser as you can zoom to a certain degree, but vscode does not allow that.
The plugin attempts to solve this using the d3.zoom functionality as the mermaid renders the diagrams with d3 anyway. The results are not perfect but I do not see a better solution at this time. I'm open to suggestions on this topic!
The zoom functionality as it was in VS Code is now not any more available or broken. It was possible a few months ago, not perfectly but good enough. At least in July 2022. Currently, I'm unable to zoom. That is a pity because with that, I don't have a practicable solution to check it. And convert it after a change to an HTML page and open it in a browser is not optimal.
Mermaid.live has zoom functionality now.
I would appreciate if a volunteer can investigate if that solution can be integrated in the react app that runs in the webview.