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A lightweight music and general purpose bot with dashboard that uses slash commands and integrations to be as user-friendly as possible!


Invite Discord Heroku License


A lightweight music and general purpose bot with dashboard, that uses slash commands and buttons to be as user-friendly as possible!

Dashboard Progress Board Discord Server

Table of Contents
  • Invite
  • Features
  • Commands
  • Installation
  • Stats
  • Licensing


Disclaimer: The bot is still in development, so expect some bugs or features that might not work 100% yet. Please report any bugs or suggestions via the respective commands.



  • Slash commands

    • Use commands directly integrated in Discord
    • No more guessing with variables
    • Quick overview of all commands
  • Music

    • Supports many sources (YouTube, Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Twitch, Vimeo or any other HTTP source)
    • Supports playlists and livestreams
    • Interactive Web Dashboard
    • Pause, Skip, Remove, Volume and more commands
  • Language support

    • Supports multiple languages
    • Change the language for your server using /language
    • Add your own language by contacting me on the Discord server
  • Activities

    • Create invites for Discord Activities
    • YouTube Together and a lot of fun minigames
    • Have fun with everyone in your voice channel
  • Basic Moderation

    • Info commands (User, Server, Avatar)
    • Kick, Ban, Move, Slowmode and more commands
    • Permission check on commands


SuitBot uses slash commands to integrate itself into the server. You can easily access its commands directly by typing / in your chat window.

Show all commands


Command Description
/activity Creates a Discord activity.
/dashboard Sends a link to the dashboard.
/help Replies with help on how to use this bot.
/info Shows info about the bot.
/invite Sends an invite link for the bot.
/language Changes the bots language.
/ping Replies with the current latency.
/serverinfo Shows info about the server.
/userinfo Shows info about a user.


Command Description
/clear Clears the queue.
/filter Sets filter modes for the player.
/lyrics Shows the lyrics of the currently playing song.
/nowplaying Shows the currently playing song.
/pause Pauses playback.
/play Searches and plays a song or playlist from YouTube or Spotify.
/previous Plays the previous track.
/queue Displays the queue.
/remove Removes the specified track from the queue.
/repeat Sets the current repeat mode.
/resume Resumes playback.
/search Searches five songs from YouTube and lets you select one to play.
/seek Skips to the specified point in the current track.
/shuffle Shuffles the queue.
/skip Skips the current track or to a specified point in the queue.
/stop Stops playback.
/volume Sets the volume of the music player.


Command Description
/ban Bans a user.
/kick Kicks a user.
/move Moves the mentioned user to the specified channel.
/moveall Moves all users from the first channel to the second channel.
/purge Clears a specified amount of messages.
/slowmode Sets the rate limit of the current channel.


Command Description
/bugreport Reports a bug to the developer.
/github Sends a link to the repo of this bot.
/suggestion Sends a suggestion to the developer.


It is not recommended to try and install SuitBot yourself.
The bot is not designed to be easily installable and requires many complicated steps to set up.

If you want a self-hostable bot, keep looking around GitHub for better alternatives!

If you nevertheless decide to try and host a custom version of SuitBot yourself keep on reading.


Local Installation


  • Node.js v16.x
  • FFmpeg v4.4
  • Java v13.x


git clone
cd suitbot
npm install


Rename config_example.json to config.json and replace the placeholders inside with your info:

  • A Discord Bot Token (Guide)
  • Your Application ID which you can find the the General Information tab in your Discord application.
  • Your Client Secret which is under OAuth2 in your Discord application.
  • The Guild ID of the server in which you want to test the bot. To get this ID, activate Developer Mode in Discord's options and right-click your server.
  • Your User ID of your Discord account which will be your Admin-Account for the bot. Right-click yourself with Developer Mode activated.
  • Get your YouTube keys like described in this Guide. Once you have PAPISID and PSID set them in the config.
  • Create a Genius API application here, generate an access token and paste it here. Can be an empty string.

Setting up


Go to your Discord Application, go to OAuth2 and add http://localhost/callback to Redirects.


Replace the domain in dashboard.js with your domain.
If you want to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, make sure to replace the domains in the function forceDomain() as well.


Install PostgreSQL and set the database URL in database.js.

Create a table using the following command:

CREATE TABLE servers (
  id varchar(30) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  locale varchar(5) NOT NULL


Use node deploy-commands.js to update and add commands in the guild you specified and node deploy-commands.js global to update the commands globally.
Guild commands are refreshed instantly while global commands can take up to an hour.

Start the bot with

node main.js



  • A Heroku account




Refer to the configuration guide above on how to get the config variables.
Set the variables in config vars under Settings.

Setting up


Go to your Discord Application, go to OAuth2 and add http://yourHerokuDomain/callback to Redirects.


Replace the domain in dashboard.js with the domain of you Heroku app.
If you're using a custom domain, make sure to replace the domains in the function forceDomain() as well.


In your Heroku app, go to Resources and click on Heroku Postgres.
Select Dataclips, create a Dataclip and give it a title.
Paste the following command and hit Save & Run:

set transaction read write;
CREATE TABLE servers (
  id varchar(30) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  locale varchar(5) NOT NULL

Delete the Dataclip when it's done. (Click the two-arrow-symbol next to Save & Run)


Deploying on Heroku automatically deploys all commands globally. Make sure to test new commands locally before you deploy.



Lines of code GitHub repo size


GitHub top language GitHub language count
discord.js erelajs


GitHub issues GitHub pull requests
GitHub last commit GitHub commit activity
GitHub Repo stars GitHub watchers


GitHub deployments Website


If you want to host your own version of SuitBot, with or without modifications to the source code or plan to use any part of this source code, you must disclose the source and reference this repository/license.
