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My solutions for some codingame puzzles


What is this place about ?

Codingame is an online platform offering ressources for developpers to developp their skills in a ludic way.

It includes

  • puzzles ordered by difficulty and labelled with the concept you may need to solve them.

  • code golf - Solve puzzles with the shortest possible source code !

  • bot fights - Compete in multiplayers programming contests involving artificial intelligence !

  • tutorials - Learn :book: all the concepts you need in order to get the best of fun on CG.

  • Clash of codes - Challenge yourself and be the first to complete a puzzle in 15-minutes :hourglass_flowing_sand: !

This folder is dedicated to some of my solutions for the puzzles.

Easy      (189 puzzles)

  • [x] 10 Pin bowling scores
  • [x] 1000000000D World
  • [x] 1. NGR - Basic Radar
  • [x] 1D bush fire
  • [x] 1D spreadsheet
  • [x] 1x1x1 Rubik's cube movements
  • [x] 2nd Degree polynomial - simple-analysis
  • [x] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • [x] 7-Segement scanner
  • [x] A Bunny and Carrots
  • [x] A child's play
  • [x] A mountain of a mole hill
  • [x] Add'em up
  • [x] Agent X, mission 1 - The caesar cipher
  • [x] Annihilation
  • [x] Are the clumps normal
  • [x] Artificial emotional intelligence
  • [x] ASCII art
  • [x] Asteroids
  • [x] Auto pickup
  • [x] Balanced ternary computer encode
  • [x] Bank robbers
  • [x] Battle of Heroes
  • [x] Benford's law
  • [x] Binary image
  • [x]
  • [x] Blowing fuse
  • [x] Brackets extreme edition
  • [x] Brick in the wall
  • [x] Bulk email generator
  • [x] Buzzle
  • [x] Caesar is the chief
  • [x] Calculator
  • [x] Card counting when easily distracted
  • [x] Catching up
  • [x] Character replacement problem
  • [x] Chuck Norris
  • [x] Code breaker puzzle
  • [x] Container terminal
  • [x] Cosmic Love
  • [x] Count as I count
  • [x] Count your coins
  • [x] Crazy list
  • [x] Create the longest sequence of 1s
  • [x] Credit card verifier
  • [x] Crop circles
  • [x] Custom game of life
  • [x] Darts
  • [x] Dead mens shot
  • [x] Decode the message
  • [x] Defibrillators
  • [x] Detective Pikaptcha EP1
  • [x] Detective Pikaptcha EP2
  • [x] Deus hex machina
  • [x] Dice handedness
  • [x] Digital scoreboard
  • [x] Disordered first contact
  • [x] Distributing candy
  • [x] Dolbear's law
  • [x] Dungeons and maps
  • [x] Embedded chessboards
  • [x] Encryption decryption of enigma machine
  • [x] Equivalent resistance circuit building
  • [x] Euclid's algorithm
  • [x] Extended Hamming codes
  • [x] Faro shuffle
  • [x] Fax machine
  • [x] Feature extraction
  • [x] FireControl
  • [x] Flip the sign
  • [x] Frame the picture
  • [x] GDQ - binary coded decimal clock
  • [x] Genetics and computers - part 1
  • [x] Ghost legs
  • [x] Graffiti on the fence
  • [x] Happy numbers
  • [x] Hello, world!
  • [x] Hidden messages in images
  • [x] Hooch clash
  • [x] Horse-racing hyperduals
  • [x] Horse-racing duals
  • [x] How time flies
  • [x] Hunger games
  • [x] In stereo
  • [x] Insert to string
  • [x] Ipv6 shortener
  • [x] Is that a possible word? Ep1
  • [x] ISBN check digit
  • [x] Jack Silver: The Casino
  • [x] Kangaroo words
  • [x] Kiss the girls
  • [x] Largest number
  • [x] Logic gates
  • [x] Logically reasonable inequalities
  • [x] Longest coast
  • [x] Low Resolution: what's the shape?
  • [x] Lumen
  • [x] Mars lander episode 1
  • [x] Match DNA sequence
  • [x] Max area
  • [x] May the triforce be with you
  • [x] Messed up mosaics
  • [x] MIME type
  • [x] Minimal palindrome distance
  • [x] Reverse Minesweeper
  • [x] Merlin's magic square
  • [x] Metric Units
  • [x] Minesweeper level generator
  • [x] Monday tuesday happy days
  • [x] Morellet's random lines
  • [x] Mountain map convergence
  • [x] Mountain map
  • [x] Moves in maze
  • [x] Murder in the village
  • [x] Nato alphabets odd uncles
  • [x] Nature of quadrilaterals
  • [x] Next growing number
  • [x] Number derivation
  • [x] Number partition
  • [x] Object insertion
  • [x] Odd quad out
  • [x] Offset arrays
  • [x] Onboarding
  • [x] Order of succession
  • [x] Organic compounds
  • [x] Pirates treasure
  • [x] Power of Thor (ep.1)
  • [x] Prefix code
  • [x] Probability for dummies
  • [x] Queen control
  • [x] Random walk
  • [x] Rectangle partition
  • [x] Rectangular block spinner
  • [x] Retro typewriter art
  • [x] Reverse fizzbuzz
  • [x] Robot reach
  • [x] Robot show
  • [x] Rocks papers scissors-es
  • [x] Rock paper scissors lizard spock
  • [x] Rooks movements
  • [x] Rotating arrows
  • [x] Rugby score
  • [x] Saving snoopy
  • [x] Self driving car testing
  • [x] Shadow casting
  • [x] Shoot enemy aircraft
  • [x] Should bakers be frugal
  • [x] Simple auto scaling
  • [x] Simple awalé
  • [x] Simple load balancing
  • [x] Six degrees of Kevin Bacon
  • [x] Smooth!
  • [x] Snail run
  • [x] Snake sort 2D
  • [x] Someone's acting sus...
  • [x] Stall tilt
  • [x] Substitution encoding
  • [x] Sudoku Validator
  • [x] Sum of Spiral's Diagonals
  • [x] Sweet spot
  • [x] Ted's compiler
  • [x] Temperatures
  • [x] Text formatting
  • [x] The broken editor
  • [x] The dart 101
  • [x] The descent
  • [x] The electrician apprentice
  • [x] The lost child episode-1
  • [x] The Michelangelo code
  • [x] The Mystic rectangle
  • [x] The River I.
  • [x] The River II.
  • [x] The travelling salesman problem
  • [x] The weight of words
  • [x] Tic tac toe
  • [x] Treasure hunt
  • [x] Tree paths
  • [x] Tricky number verifier
  • [x] Ulam spiral
  • [x] Unit fractions
  • [x] Van Eck's sequence
  • [x] Vectors in variables dimensions
  • [x] Video comments
  • [x] What's so complex about Mandelbrot?
  • [x] Where's Wally
  • [x] Wordle collorizer
  • [x] XML MDF-2016
  • [x] Zeckendorf representation part I
  • [x] Zhiwei sun squares

Medium   (124 puzzles)

  • [x] 1010(1)
  • [x] A* exercise
  • [x] Ancestors and descendants
  • [x] Aneo sponsored puzzle
  • [x] Ascii art : glass stacking
  • [x] Ascii graph
  • [x] Bag of balls
  • [x] Bender - episode 1
  • [x] Binary search tree traversal
  • [x] Binary sequence
  • [x] Bingo
  • [x] Bit count to limit
  • [x] Boarding passes ready
  • [x] Bouncing barry
  • [x] Box of cigars
  • [x] Brackets, enhanced edition
  • [x] Brackets, extended edition
  • [x] Brackets, ultimate edition
  • [x] Bruce lee
  • [x] Bulgarian solitaire
  • [x] Bulls and Cows
  • [x] Bust speeding vehicles
  • [x] Byte pair encoding
  • [x] Cards castle
  • [x] Carmichael numbers
  • [x] CGFunge interpreter
  • [x] CGS minifier
  • [x] Constrained latin squares
  • [x] Conway sequence
  • [x] Count of primes in a number grid
  • [x] Counting squares on pegs
  • [x] Criminal
  • [x] Digit sum successor
  • [x] Divide the factorial
  • [x] Dominoes path
  • [x] Don't Panic - Episode 1
  • [x] Drug interactions
  • [x] Dynamic sorting
  • [x] Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants
  • [x] Elementary cellular automaton
  • [x] Equalizing arrays
  • [x] Factorial vs exponential
  • [x] Fair numbering
  • [x] Find the replacement
  • [x] Flood fill example
  • [x] Folding a note
  • [x] Folding paper
  • [x] Forest fire
  • [x] Game of life
  • [x] Guessing N cheating
  • [x] Go competition
  • [x] Goro want chocolate
  • [x] Gravity
  • [x] Gravity tumbler
  • [x] Green valleys
  • [x] Hacking at robbercity
  • [x] Halting sequences
  • [x] Hexagonal Maze
  • [x] Huffman code
  • [x] Inversion count
  • [x] IP mask calculating
  • [x] Jumping frogs
  • [x] Kaprekar's routine
  • [x] Knight's jam
  • [x] Langton's ant
  • [x] Length of Syracuse conjecture sequence
  • [x] Locked in gear
  • [x] Magic square
  • [x] Mars lander Ep2
  • [x] Maximum sub-sequence
  • [x] Mayan calculation
  • [x] Maze
  • [x] Mcxxxx microcontroller simulation
  • [x] Micro assembly
  • [x] MineSweeper
  • [x] Minimax exercise
  • [x] Monthly system
  • [x] Network cabling
  • [x] Number of letters in a number - binary
  • [x] Number of paths between 2 points
  • [x] Oneway city
  • [x] Othello
  • [x] Parity scanner
  • [x] Photo booth transformation
  • [x] Plague Jr
  • [x] Playfair cypher
  • [x] Porcupine fever
  • [x] Propositions in freges ideography
  • [x] Queneau numbers
  • [x] Rational number tree
  • [x] Rearrange string to two numbers
  • [x] Remaining card
  • [x] Reverse Polish notation
  • [x] Reversed look and say
  • [x] Robbery optimisation
  • [x] Rod cutting problem
  • [x] Sandpile addition
  • [x] Scrabble
  • [x] Seam carving
  • [x] Shadows of the Knight - Episode 1
  • [x] Shadows of the Knight - Episode 1
  • [x] Snake encoding
  • [x] Stock exchange losses
  • [x] Sudoku solver
  • [x] Sum of divisors
  • [x] Telephone numbers
  • [x] Text alignment
  • [x] The experience of creating puzzles
  • [x] The fastest
  • [x] The urinal problem
  • [x] The gift
  • [x] The Grand Festival - I
  • [x] The Grand Festival - II
  • [x] The last crusade episode 1
  • [x] The optimal urinal problem
  • [x] There is no spoon - episode 1
  • [x] These romans are crazy!
  • [x] Tiny forest
  • [x] Trits balanced ternary computing
  • [x] Vote counting
  • [x] Ways to make change
  • [x] We're going in circles!
  • [x] Winamax battle
  • [x] What the brainfuck!

Hard      (  10 puzzles)

  • [x] Blunder - episode 2
  • [x] CGX Formatter
  • [x] Chess board analyzer
  • [x] Death first search - episode 2
  • [x] Doubly solved rubiks cube
  • [x] Hanoi tower
  • [x] Levenshtein distance
  • [x] Max Rect
  • [x] The labyrinth
  • [x] Vox codei - episode 1

Very Hard (    1 puzzles)

  • [x] The Resistance

Contact me

You have some suggestions, remarks ?

You found a bug :bug: or a better way to solve one puzzle ?

Then please let me know at [email protected] :smile:

Or maybe you just wanna play ? :smiley: Then here is my profile !
